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View and Manage Assigned Assessments

View, manage, and grade assigned assessments.

Ethan Kelly avatar
Written by Ethan Kelly
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to view, manage, and grade assessments that have already been assigned. To learn how to assign an assessment, please click here!

To view assigned assessments, navigate to your Assessments module, then select Assigned. From there, use the Classes field to select which class you wish to view.

Assessment List

Navigation and Sorting

  1. Assigned assessments are organized by class. Click on the Classes field for a drop-down menu of classes, or type a class name into the field.

  2. To find specific assessments within a class, use Search.

  3. The default sort is reverse chronological order by assignment date. Sort the list alphabetically by clicking the Assessment Name column heading or chronologically by due date by clicking the Due Date column heading.

Individual Assessments

There are four primary elements to any assessment in the list:

  • Assessment Name: Set when the assessment draft is created.

  • Due Date (if added): Establishes when the assessment is due. Click here for more information.

  • Status bar: Displays total class progress. The screenshot below explains color coding.

  • Ellipsis menu: See the More Options section below for details.

More Options (Ellipsis menu)

There are six options in this menu:

  • Settings: View and adjust Due Date, Availability, Instructions, and other assignment settings for Simple, Advanced, and Rubric assessments. For Plus assessments, the Settings menu allows you to edit assessment title, type, linked standards, and submission date.

  • View Details: View information about the assessment, such as when it was assigned, who assigned it, grading scale, due date, and more.

  • Analytics: Analyze assessment results in a variety of different ways.

  • View Standards: Opens the Standards gradebook view (Note: this menu option will appear even if no standards are linked to the assessment).

  • Unassign: Unassigns this assessment from all students and deletes all student work and any assigned grades, which cannot be restored.

  • Manage Assignees: Opens the Manage Assignees page for all assessments assigned to this class. From here, assessments for individual students can be assigned or unassigned.

View and Grade by Student

From the assigned assessments page for a class, click anywhere on the assessment row in order to open the list of students for that assessment. This list will look different depending on the assessment type (Advanced, Simple, Rubric, or Plus).

Advanced and Simple Assessments

Click on the row for any student in order to open and grade their assessment (see also Grade a Simple Assessment and Grade an Advanced Assessment).

  • View and sort by the following information (click column headings to sort):

    • Student name

    • Assessment Score (points-based assessments only)

    • Submission date/time

    • Submission status (On Time, Missing, Late, Excused, Excluded)

    • Completion status (Not Started, In Progress, Turned In, Graded)

  • Click the star in the Portfolio column to add the student's assessment to their Student Portfolio.

  • Click the Ellipsis menu to the right of an individual student's name in order to Grade/Regrade or Unsubmit the student's assessment.

Rubric Assessments

Click the links below for more information on how to view and grade student submissions for a rubric assessment.

Plus Assessments

  • Clicking on the assessment row for a points-based plus assessment will take you directly to the Assessments view of the gradebook, where you can view and edit individual student's scores.

  • Clicking on the assessment row for a standards-based plus assessment will take you to the Grading page for that assessment.

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