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Grade a Simple Assessment

Learn how to add and adjust scores, status, and feedback on a Simple Assessment.

Samantha Mason avatar
Written by Samantha Mason
Updated over 6 months ago

This article will describe the process of grading a Simple Assessment, including adjusting scores and statuses, grading short answer questions, and adding comments.

Access the Assessment

  • Step 1: Navigate to your Assessments module.

  • Step 2: Select the Assigned button to view your assigned assessments.

  • Step 3: Choose the correct class from the Classes dropdown menu.

  • Step 4: Click on the Assessment.

Grade the Assessment

Select any student to see their assessment and begin grading.

Short Answer Questions

  • Short Answer questions will appear at the top of the page. Once they have been graded, they will move back to their respective position on the assessment.

  • Click into each box to add a score and click Save.

Once all ungraded questions have been graded, the assessment will revert back to listing the questions in numerical order.

Multiple Choice and True/False Questions

  • Since these questions are auto-scored, they will already have grades. You can manually change the score of any auto-scored question.

For simple assessments only:

  • Dark green indicates the correct answer the student selected.

  • Light green indicates the correct answer the student did not select.

  • Orange indicates the incorrect answer the student selected.

❓ How does scoring work if there is more than one correct answer for a multiple choice question? Students will need to select all correct answers in order to receive credit. There is no partial credit for simple assessments.

Adjust the Overall Score (Points)

If you want to adjust the overall score of a points-based assessment without changing the score of an individual question, follow the steps below.

  • Step 1: Navigate to the assessments view of the gradebook.

  • Step 2: Double-click inside the points area for that assessment.

  • Step 3: Change the score and select Enter or Return on your keyboard.

Edit Status

To edit the status of the student's assessment, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the top of the assessment.

  • Step 2: Select a status from the "Select Status" drop down menu.

Leave a Comment

To leave a comment on the student's assessment, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Scroll to the bottom of the assessment.

  • Step 2: Click Leave a Comment. There is a character limit of 1000.

Add to the Student Portfolio

To add this test to the student's portfolio, you can select the star icon from the grading page, or you can select the star from within the student's assessment itself.

What happens when you add the assessment to the student's portfolio?

  • Students and parents will be able to see a quick view of the assessment grade.

  • Students and parents will be able to see the contents of the assessment, as well as the answers.

Otus Live Video

Click to view a video from our Otus Live series on how to provide feedback and grade a Simple assessment.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to view FAQ and troubleshooting details.

Why don't I see grades in the gradebook for an assessment that students have already taken?

Is there a short answer questions on the assessment? If so, that question will need to be manually graded in order to move the status from Turned In to Graded, and for the grades to populate in the gradebook..

If a student's assessment is still showing as In Progress, can I submit it on behalf of the student?

At this time, teachers cannot submit an assessment for a student. You can ask the student to reopen the assessment and click the Submit button, or you can manually grade the assessment for the student in order to change the status from In Progress to Graded. If there are

If a multiple choice question has more than one correct answer, will students get partial credit for selecting at least one correct response?

No, partial credit is not available on Simple assessments (only for Advanced assessments). On a Simple assessment, questions with more than one correct answer are "all or nothing." If you wish to award partial credit, you can manually adjust the score for a question.

I made a mistake when setting the correct answer for a question on a Simple assessment. Is there a way to fix it if the assessment has already been submitted and graded?

Yes, if you change the correct answer in your assessment draft, the scoring will also update on submitted and graded assessments. Click here for more information on editing the content of a Simple assessment.

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