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Simple, Rubric, and Plus(+) Assessments

Articles for Simple, Rubric, and Plus(+) Assessments
Create a Simple AssessmentCreate a Simple Assessment using multiple choice, true false, and short answer questions.
Simple Assessment AI Question GeneratorUse the AI Question Generator to aid in assessment creation in Simple Assessments.
Learning Objective Menu for the AI Question Generator in Simple AssessmentsSample Learning Objectives by Grade Level and Subject for using the AI-Generator when creating Simple Assessments in Otus.
Leave Comments on Simple AssessmentsYou can leave comments on a Simple Assessment for students to see.
Add, Edit, or Remove Standards on Simple AssessmentsThis article will show you how to add standards, edit standards, or remove standards from a Simple assessment.
Grade a Simple AssessmentLearn how to add and adjust scores, status, and feedback on a Simple Assessment.
Print a Simple Assessment or Answer KeyThis step-by-step guide shows you how to print a simple assessment or its answer key.
Create a Rubric AssessmentCreate rubric assessments to collect student work and assess student performance.
Rubric Descriptor BankHow to access your rubric descriptor bank.
Add, Edit, or Remove Standards on Rubric AssessmentsHow to add standards, edit standards, or remove standards from a Rubric assessment.
Grade a Points-Based Rubric AssessmentThis article will describe the process of grading a points-based rubric assessment.
Grade a Standards-Based Rubric AssessmentGrade a rubric assessment that uses a non-points grading scale (mastery levels).
Leave Comments on Rubric AssessmentsYou can leave a comment on a Rubric Assessment for students to see.
Leave Audio or Video Feedback on Rubric AssessmentsThis article will show teachers how they can leave audio or video feedback for students to view on their graded rubric assessment.
Turnitin Feature for Rubric Assessments (Participating Districts Only)Detailed information about the Turnitin feature that is available for participating districts only.
Mass Grade a Rubric AssessmentHow to assign the same grade to multiple students in a rubric assessment.
Print a Rubric AssessmentThis article illustrates how to print a rubric assessment in Otus.
How Students Submit a Rubric AssessmentThis is a teacher reference article that shows how students submit rubric assessments.
Add a Plus (+) Assessment to the GradebookPlus assessments allow you to easily add scores to your gradebook for assessments taken outside of Otus.
Manage a Plus (+) AssessmentEdit the title, type/category, point value, standard(s), submission date, or due date of a + assessment. You can also add additional scores.
Add, Edit, or Remove Standards on Plus (+) AssessmentsHow to add, edit, or remove standards from a Plus Assessment.
Delete a (+) Plus Assessment from the GradebookLearn how to delete a + (plus) assessment or assignment from your grade book.