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Getting Started

New to Otus? Here are some great places to get started!
Differences Between Main Admin, Admin, and Teacher AccountsCompare the functionality of a main admin, admin, and teacher account.
Otus Account Types OverviewLearn about the modules available in each account type; main admin, admin, teacher, student, and family.
Otus Implementation GuideWhat new clients can expect during the onboarding and implementation phase of our relationship.
Leverage the Class Board, Lessons, and Assessments in Your ClassroomOptimize your use of Otus. Determine when it is best to use Class Board, Lessons, or Assessments to accomplish your goals.
Otus in Action!Take a quick look at the common uses of Otus for each user type.
Family Account Creation DocumentA printer-friendly letter to share with parents and families with instructions for creating an Otus Family Account.
Otus and your SIS: Understanding the SyncUnderstand the sync between your Student Information System (SIS) and Otus.
The Otus Chat FeatureYou can chat with an Otus Support Specialist to answer any questions, as well as receive updates regarding new features and releases!
Student Groups OverviewStudent groups can be created at the district level or at the class level.
Upload Student AttendanceOtus allows the uploading of attendance data for utilization in analytics and report cards.
Otus Change Management SupportEvery client receives support and guidance navigating the change management needed to implement Otus.
External Tool Activities (LTI) for LessonsHow to add an external tool, such as Playposit, to an Otus Lesson as an activity.
Ways Otus Provides Student AccommodationsHere are ways in which Otus can provide accommodations to students that may need them.
Glossary of Otus Terms and DefinitionsThis article contains an alphabetical glossary with the terms Otus uses throughout the platform.
Add Images, Video, or Audio in OtusDetails regarding using images, video, and audio in Otus, including file size limits and acceptable file types.
Otus for Support StaffWays support staff such as school counselors, psychologists, and social workers can use Otus.
Share an Idea with UsRead how a user can share feedback and ideas for Otus improvements.
Upload and Share Files as a StudentWays a student can upload files such as photos, videos, audio recordings, Google Drive attachments, and One Drive attachments.
Otus Proficiency Assessments GuideThe Otus Proficiency assessments encompass Reading, Language Usage, and Math from Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Link an Otus Assessment from SchoologyA way to direct students to Otus assessments for Schoology users.
Create or Remove a Teacher AccountManually create a new teacher account or remove an existing teacher account.
Create a Student AccountCreate a new student account as a teacher or administrator.
Otus and Your Existing SIS: A Partnership, Not a ReplacementDiscover How Otus Complements Your Student Information System (SIS), Enhancing Capabilities Without Replacing Essential Functions
Log in to OtusLearn how to log in to Otus.
Prepare for the New School Year | TeachersA list of thing teachers should keep in mind as they are getting ready to start a new school year with Otus.
Build an External Test or Worksheet in OtusCreate an external test or worksheet in Otus so students can complete it in their Otus accounts.
Co-Teacher CapabilitiesWhat a co-teacher is able to do within the classes they are a co-teacher of.
Teacher-to-Student CommunicationAn overview of the various means of communication or messaging between students and teachers.
Upload and Share Files as a TeacherHow teachers can upload and share files such as PDFs, images, videos, and more. Using the Class Board and Bookshelf is just the beginning!
The To Do List on the Teacher Home PageThe To Do list on a teacher's home page will display the completion of individual lessons and assessments.
Log in with Microsoft Single Sign-OnSet up your initial Microsoft SSO log-in.
View or Edit your User ProfileTeachers and Administrators can view or edit various aspects of their user profile.
Add or Edit Family Contact InformationHow to add or edit family contact information in the student profile.
The Notification Feed on the Teacher Home PageA description of the types of notifications found on the notification feed on the teacher home page.
Standards Based Grading Setup GuideThese are some of the initial steps to take when setting up the Control Center for Standards Based Grading.
Prepare for the New School Year | Administrator ChecklistA list of all of the items that administrators want to make sure are taken care of before the start of the school year.
Viewing Teacher Content from an Administrator AccountView teacher content (assigned lessons, assignments, gradebooks, class information, etc.) from an administrator account.
Upload to ShareFileHow to use ShareFile as part of your Otus integration.
Manual Rostering in OtusRoster students and teachers directly in Otus without utilizing your Student Information System.
A Teacher is Leaving the District: Actions and RecommendationsThe steps to take once it is known that a teacher will be leaving the district.
Viewing Sites, Teachers, and Students from an Admin AccountLearn the functions of the Sites, Students, and Teachers (including removing teachers from a district).
District Student Search from an Admin AccountAdministrators can search for a student in the district and view their student profile.
Prevent Students from Changing Their NameHow to remove the capability for students to change their name in Otus.
Otus Data ConsortiumView and share data with multiple school districts
Administrator Activity DashboardView high level insights on how your district is using Otus.
Prepare for a Student to UnenrollTake these steps before a student in unenrolled from their classes in Otus to collect necessary data.