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Advanced Assessments

Articles for Advanced Assessments
Beginner's Guide to Advanced AssessmentsThis is the first stop on your journey to understanding and creating Advanced Assessments in Otus.
Items, Questions, and Features on Advanced AssessmentsLearn the difference between items, questions, and features and how they are used in our Advanced Assessments.
Question Guide for Advanced AssessmentsThis article categorizes the questions available on advanced assessments in various ways to help you get started.
Feature Guide for Advanced AssessmentsThese are the available features, or "extras," provided by Learnosity that you can include in your Advanced Assessments.
Create an Advanced AssessmentAn overview of creating an Advanced Assessment.
Edit Scoring of an Assigned Advanced AssessmentLearn how to edit scoring and point values of an assigned Advanced assessment.
Use Text to Speech (TextHelp) on Advanced AssessmentsLearn how to enable a text-to-speech read aloud tool that also has a single-word translator, dictionary, and optional highlighters.
Student Annotations on Advanced AssessmentsTools including a notepad, sticky notes, highlight tool, and drawing tool are available for students taking an advanced assessment.
Image, Audio, and Video Requirements for Advanced AssessmentsAcceptable file types and file sizes for images, audio, and video on Advanced Assessments
Use Images on Advanced AssessmentsHow to make use of images when building questions in advanced assessments.
Use Video on Advanced AssessmentsLearn how to use videos in the advanced assessments you build in Otus.
Use Audio on Advanced AssessmentsEasily add audio to items in your Advanced Assessment.
Use Tables on Advanced AssessmentsHow to use tables in your Advanced Assessment items and questions.
Options for Students to Show Work on Advanced AssessmentsThere are ways for students to show or submit work on Advanced Assessments.
Have Students Show Work Using Drawing on an Advanced AssessmentThe Drawing question provides work space directly within the item. It includes a line tool, protractor, and free-hand writing or drawing.
Have Students Show Work by Uploading an Image for an Advanced AssessmentStudents can submit an image of their work page they used for an Advanced Assessment.
Have Students Show Work Using Math Essay with Rich Text on an Advanced AssessmentThe Math Essay question gives students a space to type out their work using a wide variety of math symbols and operations.
Have Students Show Work on a Formatted Work Page for Advanced AssessmentsStudents can show their work on a work page designed for the specific assessment. This is best for assessments taken in the classroom.
Embed an iFrame in an Advanced AssessmentEmbed many types of web-based resources into Advanced Assessments
Learnosity Terms and DefinitionsTerminology used by Learnosity in the Advanced Assessment Builder
Create an Item and Question on an Advanced AssessmentLearn how to build items and questions in an Advanced Assessment.
Item Layouts on Advanced AssessmentsArrange questions, create columns, and add tabs to items on your Advanced Assessments.
Create a Survey in an Advanced AssessmentCreate a survey using an Advanced Assessment.
Check Answer Option on Advanced AssessmentsHow to give students the ability to check their answers on questions within an Advanced Assessment.
Add, Edit, or Remove Standards on a Draft Advanced AssessmentHow to manage standards on an advanced assessment, including adding, editing, viewing, and removing them.
Edit Questions and Items on a Draft Advanced AssessmentHow to edit a question or an item on your Advanced Assessment.
Edit Point Value of Questions on a Draft Advanced AssessmentLearn how to adjust the point value for the questions in your advanced assessment.
Duplicate an Item in an Advanced AssessmentYou can clone an item that you've built in an Advanced Assessment.
Delete Items in Advanced AssessmentsHow to remove an item from an assessment or archive an item from your Item Bank.
Dynamic Content on Advanced AssessmentsHow to use Dynamic Content in your Advanced Assessments.
Print an Advanced Assessment or Answer KeyHow to print an advanced assessment and answer key.
Math and Chemistry Keypads on Advanced AssessmentsThere are several options for keypads students can use while answering math or chemistry questions on Advanced Assessments.
Autoscoring Information for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the scoring options and settings, such as partial credit, available for Advanced Assessments.
Set a Default Score for Standards-Based Advanced AssessmentsSet the default score a student receives for auto-graded questions. Standards Based Grading Scale (Non-Points) Only.
Leave Comments on Advanced AssessmentsYou can leave comments on an Advanced Assessment for students to see.
Penalty Scoring on Advanced AssessmentsThis article will illustrate how to apply penalty points when incorrect answers are selected.
Grading and Scoring Troubleshooting for Advanced AssessmentsExplore some of the common reasons for why an Advanced Assessment may not be scoring as you expected.
Grade an Advanced AssessmentLearn how to grade an Advanced Assessment.
Multiple Choice Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of multiple choice questions you can build on an Advanced Assessment
Basic Multiple Choice Question for Advanced AssessmentsThe Multiple Choice Question allows you to select one or more correct answer(s) from a number of potential answers.
Matrix Multiple Choice Question for Advanced AssessmentsThe Choice Matrix requires students to evaluate one or more row items using a set of column options.
Fill in the Blank and Labeling Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of fill in the blank and labeling questions (non-math) you can build on Advanced Assessments.
Cloze with Drag and Drop Question for Advanced AssessmentsIn the Cloze with Drag & Drop question, students drag their responses from a list of options set by the author into empty response boxes.
Cloze with Drop Down Question for Advanced AssessmentsThe Cloze with drop down question type allows students to select the correct answer from a response drop down menu within text or passages.
Cloze with Text Question for Advanced AssessmentsCreate a fill in the blank style question on an Advanced Assessment.
Label Image with Drag and Drop Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents can select from a list of potential answers and drag them to the correct response box on the image.
Label Image with Drop Down Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents select their response from a response box drop down menu located somewhere on an image.
Label Image with Text Question for Advanced AssessmentEnter text into fields positioned on an image
Classifying, Matching, & Ordering Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of classifying, matching, and ordering questions you can build on Advanced Assessments.
Classification Question for Advanced AssessmentsDrag and drop text or images into groups that represent different categories in a table
Match List Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents to pair associated items, using one static list and one dynamic list.
Ordering Questions for Advanced AssessmentsStudents organize a list of responses into a specified order. This question is called Order List
Sort List Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to arrange items into their correct order by dragging the items from the Source area to the Target area
Video Recorder Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents can record a video directly within an Otus Advanced Assessment to submit for grading.
Written and Recorded Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of essay and recorded question types
Essay With Rich Text Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to submit an essay response to a question (up to 10,000 words) with detailed formatting options.
Essay With Plain Text Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents can answer in the form of an essay with basic formatting options, such as Copy, Cut, and Paste.
Short Text Question for Advanced AssessmentsStudents compose a short typed response which can be auto-scored
Advanced Assessment Question: Audio RecorderStudents can record a audio directly within an Otus Advanced Assessment to submit for grading.
Highlight and Drawing Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of highlight and drawing questions.
Drawing Question for Advanced AssessmentsDrawing questions allow students to answer using different drawing tools such as a compass, straightedge (ruler), etc. on a provided image.
Shading Questions for Advanced AssessmentsProvides a visual representation of functions and calculations, including fractions and ratios.
Token Highlight Questions for Advanced AssessmentsThe Token Highlight question requires students to highlight certain words, sentences, or paragraphs by clicking on the text.
Hotspot Questions for Advanced AssessmentsTeacher's can upload an image and outline regions (hotspots) within the image for students to select.
Math Advanced AssessmentsThis article will provide an overview of the different types of math questions available when building an Advanced Assessment
Math Answer Formats for Advanced AssessmentsThis how-to guide introduces the endless customization options for fill-in-the-blanks in math questions.
Math Question Generator for Advanced AssessmentsHow to create a Math Question Generator item in your Advanced Assessments.
Math Essay Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to input text and math formula within the same response, usually when a response needs further explanation
Cloze Math Question for Advanced Assessments
Cloze Math with Image Question for Advanced Assessments
Desmos Math Questions for Advanced AssessmentsQuestion types for Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Statistics, Economics, Calculus and more using the Desmos Graphing Calculator.
Label Image with Math Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to easily enter math responses, like a fill in the blank, on an image.
Math Question for Advanced AssessmentsIn this question type, the student enters a math response into one or more response boxes (fill in the blank).
Graphing Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of coordinate plane graphing and number line questions.
Number Line Drag and Drop Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to drag points or images onto a number line.
Coordinate Plane Graphing Questions for Advanced AssessmentAllows students to plot points, lines, and shapes on a coordinate grid.
Number Line Plot Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to plot points on a number line, or stack points above a number line.
Chart Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of questions involving charts, including bar charts, line charts, and dot plots.
Histogram Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to create or modify histograms
Bar Chart Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to create or modify bar charts
Line Chart Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to create or modify line charts
Dot Plot and Line Plot Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to create or modify dot plots or line plots
Chemistry Questions for Advance AssessmentsAn overview of the different types of questions involving chemistry.
Cloze Chemistry Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to enter chemical formulas into empty response boxes, which may form part of an equation, or appear in the middle of text.
Chemistry Formula Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to input full or partial chemical formulas into empty response boxes.
Chemistry Essay with Rich Text Questions for Advanced AssessmentsAllows students to input both text and chemical formula, within the same response.
Cloze Chemistry with Image Questions for Advanced AssessmentsStudents can input complex chemistry formulas on an image, using response boxes.
Rating Question for Advanced AssessmentThe Rating question is useful for obtaining student feedback, or as a rubric for use by the teacher when providing feedback to the student
Image Annotation Upload Question for Advanced AssessmentsThis question type allows students to upload and annotate an image.
File Upload Question for Advanced AssessmentsThe File Upload question type allows students to upload a file for review by the teacher.
Gridded Question for Advanced AssessmentsAllows for students to enter numerical responses with a gridded layout
Rulers on Advanced AssessmentsInsert a ruler into your Advanced Assessment
Protractors for Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a protractor into your Advanced Assessment
Imagetool for Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert an interactive image into your Advanced Assessment
Desmos Calculators on Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a Desmos calculator into your Advanced Assistance
Calculators on Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a basic four-function or scientific calculator into your Advanced Assessment
Audio Players on Advanced AssessmentsInsert the Audio Player feature into your Advanced Assessment
Passages on Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a passage into your Advanced Assessment
Video Players on Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a video player into your Advanced Assessment
Line Readers on Advanced AssessmentsHow to insert a Line Reader into your Advanced Assessments, allowing readers to focus on certain areas of the screen at a time.