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Advanced Assessment Question: Audio Recorder

Students can record a audio directly within an Otus Advanced Assessment to submit for grading.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 8 months ago

Now that you've started to build an advanced assessment, you may want to add an Audio Recorder question.

In the Audio Recorder question, the students can record any audio they wish. This will allow the teacher to listen to the audio recorded by the student when grading the assessment.


Build the Question

  • If you are creating a new item, select the + Create button on the assessment builder, title the item, then select the Add New plus sign to add a question.

  • If you are adding to an existing item, simply select the Add New plus sign (as shown above) to add a question to the item.

Next, select the Written & Recorded category from the options on the left, then select Audio Recorder.

Compose Question

  • Compose question: Type question prompt into this field.

  • You have many formatting options from the Rich Text toolbar, including changing the font size, adding tables, using math symbols, adding multimedia, and more! Click here for more information on the different functions of the Rich Text toolbar.

Select Player Type and Maximum Length

  • Player Type

    • You can select Block or Button for how the recorder is seen on the student side.



  • Maximum Length

    • This parameter sets the number of seconds of audio allowed to be recorded by the student.

Set the Scoring

The Highlight Image question type is not an auto-scored question. This question will be manually scored by the teacher once the assessment has been turned in.

  • Step 1: Expand the More Options section.

  • Step 2: Add a point value into the Max score field. The default is set to 1 point.

  • Step 3: Choose to award points to students just for attempting the question by adding a point value to the Minimum score if attempted field.

Student Preview

It's highly recommended to Preview the question as you are building it in the item. This displays the question as the students will see it and also verifies that the answers and scoring work as expected. Since this question is not auto-scored, you are previewing for formatting purposes here.

Click to see a short clip of this question type from the student's perspective.

More Options

Under More Options you will see the following toggles that will help you customize the question to your needs.

  • Silence stop duration - This specifies the duration of audio silence in seconds after the recording has stopped. This value is set to 0 by default, which means the silence detection is turned off. Insert a value in seconds in this field if you want to enable the option.

  • Overwrite Warning - When enabled this will give students a warning that their previous recording will be replaced if they re record.

  • Recording Cue - When enabled, a beep is played before recording starts.

UI Settings

There are a number of UI options that can be configured:


  • Start Recording - Record button will be enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Pause Recording - Allows the user to pause when recording audio. Enabled in default setting.

  • Stop Recording - Stop button will be enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Record Bubble - A bubble will appear to show the user recording details. Enabled in default setting. This option is available in Button UI only.


  • Play - Allows the user to playback the recording. This is enabled in default setting.

  • Pause - Pause button allows the user to pause the recording when playing it back. This option is enabled in default setting.

  • Seek - The user can change the play position on playback by clicking on the Progress Bar. The Play button and Progress Bar must be enabled. The option is enabled in default setting.

  • Play Bubble - A play bubble will be displayed to the user. Play button must be enabled. This option is available in Button UI only.

Look and Feel:

  • Timer - Time will be displayed to show the user how long the recording is. Enabled in default setting.

  • Progress Bar - Progress bar is a visual indicator to show the student how much time they have to record. In Playback state it will show how long is left.

  • Volume Control - Volume control will be displayed to the user on playback if the play button is enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Volume Meter - Volume meter will be displayed to the user on playback if the play button is enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Waveform - A wave UI will be displayed to the user when playing back the recording if the play button is enabled. Enabled in default setting.

  • Responsive Layout - Enable this option to scale the audio recorder size responsively based on the size of its container. It is useful when the question is viewed on smaller screens.

  • Download Link - A link to download the student's recorded audio file will appear in review state.

  • Stop Duration - This specifies the duration of audio silence in seconds after the recording has stopped.

Otus Live Video

Click to see a video from our Otus Live video series that shows how to add video or audio recorder questions to your Advanced Assessments.

Learnosity Resources

You can read more about this question type on Learnosity's Author Guide.

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