Create a Lesson
Lessons are created by building activities.
Activities come in many different forms:
Preview a Lesson
Teachers can preview their lesson before they assign it. This is done from the drafts lessons page or from within the lesson builder.
Administrators can preview any lesson that's been assigned by their teachers.
Assign a Lesson
Lessons can be assigned to individual students, groups of students, an entire class, or multiple classes at once.
Lessons can have a requirement to complete the activities in order or at random.
Due dates and start dates can be added.
When students finish an activity, they mark it as complete.
Each student's progress can be monitored.
Lessons will appear on the student's Notification Feed, To Do List, & Assigned Lessons page with a status of New!
Notes: Un-enrolled students will still show in assigned lessons.
Lesson Folders
Organize your lessons using folders.
View Lesson Progress
You can view progress per activity and progress by individual student.
Send a Copy of a Lesson
Teachers can send copies of their lessons to other individual teachers.
Administrators can send copies of their lessons to other administrators, individual teachers, or groups of teachers.