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View or Edit Class Information
View or Edit Class Information

Change grade level, subject, class name, archive and delete classes, or download a roster on the Class Info page.

Brooke Fodor avatar
Written by Brooke Fodor
Updated over 5 months ago

Information about a class can be found by navigating to the Classes module, selecting Class Info, and then choosing a class from the dropdown menu at the top.

From the Class Info page, you can perform the following actions:

  • View and edit class name, site, subject, and grade level

  • View class code

  • View the total number of students

  • Add students (if the option is enabled for your district)

  • View the main teacher

  • View and add co-teachers

  • Download the class roster as a CSV file

  • Archive or Delete the class

❗ Remember to click the Save button at the bottom of the page in order to apply your changes!

Class Name, Class Code, and Site

Class Name

  • Click into the Class Name field to edit the class name.

  • Changes to the class name can be made by any teacher, co-teacher, or admin, and will be updated globally for all users.

💡 Tip: If you change a class name and notice that it has reverted back to the original title overnight, please reach out to our support team using the chat feature. In certain cases, class names may be overwritten, depending on the method your district uses to share class information with Otus.

Class Code

  • This code is used to allow students to join the class by adding the class code to their account. (Note: This is not the code used to give to parents to link students to their family accounts. If that is what you need, you'll want to locate the student code instead.)


  • This is the site (school) the class is rostered in.

Subject and Grade


  • Choose the subject of the class.

  • This will appear in the gradebook for students and families.


  • Choose a grade level for the class.

  • This is especially important when it comes to assessments, gradebooks, and report cards. If a grade is not selected, it is possible that one of the aforementioned components may not work properly. Many of the settings in Otus are dependent on the grade level of a class, including:

    • Mastery Settings: Mastery settings are made available based on grade level.

    • Grading Scales: Grading scales are made available based on grade level.


View the total number of students in the class, and add students by email or CSV file.

Note: If you do not see the Students section, your district may have elected to disable the option to manually add students in Otus. Please reach out to us in the chat with any questions!


View the main teacher of the class, and view or add co-teachers.

💡 Tip: Changing the main teacher of a class can only be done from the main admin account for your district. Click here for more information.

Additional Options

Click the ellipsis menu at the top right of the page to access additional options.

Download Roster

  • This CSV file provides you with a list of your students and includes Last Name, First Name, Email Address, and Student Code. The student code is what family members can use to link students to their accounts.

Archive Class

  • If your district does not automatically update your class lists, you may need to archive a class that is no longer active. This does remove the class from active classes in Otus, and the class can no longer be viewed by administrators or teachers/co-teachers of the class.

💡 Tip: If you archive a class in error, never fear! It can be easily unarchived.

Delete Class

❗ Deleting a class will permanently remove the class and all data associated with it for all users. Please use caution, and consider archiving if the class has assessment data that you might need to reference in the future.

  • Deleting is a more permanent solution than archiving a class. If the class was created in error or does not need to be referenced for any completed grades, deleting is a safe option. If there's a chance that the class will be needed in the future, please archive it instead. Deleted classes cannot be restored in-app.

Otus Live Videos

Click to see videos from our Otus Live series on editing class names for better teacher workflow and assigning a grade level to a class.

How to edit class names for better teacher workflow.

How to assign a grade level to a class.

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