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Create a Lesson

How to create a lesson.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 9 months ago

A lesson is a collection of activities that are interrelated. Teachers can use the lesson module to share both bookshelf and external resources, which are presented to students as tiles in a step-by-step digital lesson.

Create the Lesson Shell

These are your first steps to building a lesson.

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Lessons module.

  • Step 2: Select Create Lesson in the top right corner.

  • Step 3: Title the lesson.

  • Step 4: Give directions for the lesson (optional).

Add Activities to your Lesson

❗ You must have at least one activity in order to assign your lesson.

Activity Types:

  • Add Instructions - this is a simple set of text for students to read.

  • Add From Bookshelf - add an item from your bookshelf.

    • Includes: files, videos, images, audio recordings, pages, YouTube videos, links, Google Drive links

  • Add Assessment - link an assessment to the lesson.

  • Add Question - this adds a tile that will prompt the students to answer a multiple choice, true-false, or short answer question directly within the lesson.

  • Add External Tool - You can embed external tools into a lesson activity, which allows students to access them directly within the lesson, without needing to leave Otus (participating districts only). Examples of external tools are Playposit and Newsela.


This is the simplest type of activity - a set of instructions. There will be nothing for the student to click, view, or watch; just text for students to read. Once you click on Add Instructions, you will:

  • Add a title and instructions (text only).

  • Upload a picture to display with the activity (optional). The image will automatically re-size to fit on the tile in its entirety.

  • Click Save.


Do you have a resource on your bookshelf that you'd like to use? You can add that resource directly into an activity by selecting Add from Bookshelf.

  • First, it will bring up your bookshelf for you to choose a resource from.

  • Add a title and directions (text only).

  • Upload a picture to display with the activity (optional). The image will automatically re-size to fit on the tile in it's entirety.

  • Click Save.


Do you have a resource you want your students to use that isn't already on your bookshelf? You can add that resource directly into an activity by selecting Add Resource.

💡 Tip: any new resource you add/create here will automatically be added to your bookshelf.

Click on the links below to see directions on how to add each type of resource.

  • File - you can upload a file (like a PDF, Word doc, Excel spreadsheet...).

  • URL (Link) - you can add a website URL.

  • Image - take or upload an image.

  • Video - record (max 5 minutes) or upload (max 30mb) a video.

  • YouTube - add a YouTube video.

  • Audio - record (max 5 minutes) or upload (max 30mb) an audio recording.

  • Google Drive/OneDrive - add a link to a document in your Google Drive or OneDrive

  • Page - this is a document you create directly within Otus that includes rich text formatting, as well as the ability to add images into the body of the text.


Do you have an assessment you want to direct students to while they are in a lesson? You can do that by selecting the Add Assessment option when creating a new activity.

  • More information can be found here!


Do you want to ask your students a multiple choice, true/false, or short answer question directly within the lesson? You can do that by selecting the AddQuestion option when creating a new activity.

The example shown below is a multiple choice question.

External Tool

You can embed external tools into a lesson activity, which allows students to access them directly within the lesson, without needing to leave Otus. Examples of external tools are Playposit and Newsela.

These tools must be enabled at the district level in order to be used in Otus Lessons. Private accounts are unable to be used in this way. If you are unsure of which tools may be available to you, reach out to your administration for clarification.

Looking for example images to add to your lesson tiles? Select the button below!

How do Students Submit Work?

Lessons are designed for the delivery of instructional content. If students need to submit work, you can create an assessment and then link it to an activity in your lesson. The most frequently used assessment type for lesson-related assignments is our rubric assessment.

💡 Tip: Understanding the difference between lessons and assessments: Consider lessons to be equivalent to whole group instruction on the rug or a lecture in class. Students are provided with a series of learning resources. Then the assessments in Otus are equivalent to when the student goes back to their desk and prepares work to turn in to the teacher or when they begin working on the homework/classwork after the lecture.

Otus Live

Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on how to create a lesson and assign it to students.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

Can I re-order the activities?

Yes, you can re-order the activities by dragging and dropping them into the order you wish.

Is there a limit to the number of activities that can be added to a lesson?

There is not a set limit.

Can I edit my lesson once I've saved it?

Yes, check out this article for more details on editing lessons

If I make edits to a lesson, do I have to assign the lesson again?

No, any updates you make to a lesson will automatically update for the students. There is no need to reassign.

Can I change the colors of the numbers on the lesson tiles?

The colors of the numbers on the lesson tiles can't be changed.

Can I embed an assessment directly into the lesson?

Yes! Check out this resource for more information.

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