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Navigate the Assessments View of the Gradebook
Navigate the Assessments View of the Gradebook

The assessments gradebook allows teachers to view all assigned assessments and enter grades directly for points-based assessments.

Brooke Fodor avatar
Written by Brooke Fodor
Updated over 3 months ago

The assessments view of your gradebook allows you to view all of assigned assessments for each class on one page, regardless of the grading scale used. Since all assessments are visible in one place, teachers can set assessment statuses for individual students or the whole class at once or even add comments for students to review. Any points-based assessments can be graded directly in the assessments view as well.

Accessing the Gradebook

  • Step 1: First navigate to the Gradebook module and select the Assessments tab. 

  • Step 2: Use the drop-down menu to specify which class you wish to view.

Understanding the Assessments View

The assessments view provides you with several key data points to help you better track your students' performance and growth.

Total Grade

Total grade is presented in two (possibly three) ways.

  • Points: This is the total points the student has earned from all assessments in this class.

  • Percentage: Total percentage based on points earned vs. points possible.

  • Grade Conversion: If your district has this feature enabled, the total point/percentage value will be converted into a specific level.

❗️If weighting is turned on, only the percentage will be visible. Points will not be listed.

Assessment Columns

  • Each column is a single assessment.

  • Assessments are listed in order of due date. If there is no due date, they are sorted according to the most recently assigned. To change the order of the assessments, add or adjust the due date.

💡Tip: Hover over the column title to see the complete assessment name and the due date (if applicable).

➡️ Points Earned

Points earned per assessment are listed under the assessment column. You can edit the points earned by double-clicking the point value. To remove the score, select the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard, and then press the Enter or Return key.

➡️ Status

The status for each assessment can either be On Time, Late, Excluded, Excused, or Missing.  Edits can be made to the status by double-clicking on the status field and choosing the appropriate status from the dropdown.


When is the status applied?

On Time

  • A student's assessment is listed on time when they submit the assessment or the assessment is graded prior to the due date/time.

  • An assessment is marked On Time automatically.


  • An assessment is marked Missing automatically if the due date has passed and student has not submitted the assessment.

  • Missing assessments are not automatically given a zero (0). The teacher can manually score the assessment with a 0.

  • Teachers can allow students to still submit missing work that has been grading by adjusting the assignment setting.


  • An assessment is automatically marked Late when it is submitted after the due date.

  • Late typically means the assessment has been submitted, but it was passed the due date, whereas missing indicates the assessment has not been submitted yet.

  • An assessment will also automatically be marked Late if a grade is added to a Missing assessment.


  • An assessment will only be marked Excused when the status is manually selected by the teacher.

  • Any score given for assessments that have been marked as excused will not be included as part of the student's total class grade, but the points will still be visible in the assessments view.


  • An assessment will be automatically marked as Excluded if the Include Score in Final Grade option has been enabled under the assigned assessment settings.

  • This status can also be manually selected by the teacher.

  • Any score given for assessments that have been marked as excluded will not be added into the student's total class grade, but the points will still be visible in the points gradebook.

💡Tip: The statuses can be manually adjusted by selecting the current status and choosing a different status from the dropdown.

➡️ Comments

Add a comment on any assessment by selecting the speech bubble. The student will see that comment on their assessment if they're reviewing it or directly in their gradebook view. If the speech bubble is already grey, this means a comment has been added. Click on the bubble to open the comment for you to edit if needed.

➡️ Individual Student View

The assessments view of the gradebook allows you to get more detailed view of each student's performance and growth. Click directly on a student's name to view the list of all assessments they've been assigned.

This view will show you:

  • Letter grade (if your district uses points)

  • Percentage (if your district uses points)

  • Overall Performance for non-points assessments

    • The overall performance represents how many times the student got each performance level for that grading scale.

    • If you only see one color, only one performance level was earned.

  • Status

  • Type

  • Due date

  • Submission date

  • Comments

Adding Plus Assessments, Groups, and Notes

  • Plus Assessments: Click the plus (+) icon to add grades for assessments or any work completed outside of Otus. Learn more!

  • Student Groups: Create new student groups or add students to an existing group by selecting the boxes to the left of each student who should be added and then clicking the groups icon represented by a flag symbol.

  • Notes: Add notes that show in the student profile and are displayed on report cards. The same note can be entered for multiple students at one time. To add a new note, select the boxes to the left of the students you would like to include the note for, and then click the notes icon.

Adjusting Grading Periods

If your district has grading periods established, you select them under the Grading Period dropdown.

  • The due date of the assessment determines which grading period the assessment will be placed in. If the assessment was not given a due date, then the graded date is used instead.

❗️ If an assessment grade is part of the wrong grading period, change the due date to a date that falls within the desired grading period.

Applying Category Weights

Weighting allows you to make certain categories of assessments worth more and impacts how the overall grade is calculated.

💡Tip: Sometimes it's easier to see something in action. We've created an example calculation of a raw score vs. a weighted grade here for your reference.

Exporting and Printing Gradebook Data

  • Export your gradebook: Click the ellipsis in the upper-right-hand corner. Select Download as CSV to export the gradebook into your spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel, Numbers, etc.).

  • Print your gradebook: First select Download as CSV from your ellipsis menu. Open the file in your spreadsheet program and choose the print option from the program menu.

  • Download Missing Assessments report: Click the ellipsis in the upper-right-hand corner. Select Missing Assessments to download a spreadsheet with a column for each student that lists their name, email, SIS ID and the missing assessments.

Otus Live Video

Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on navigating the assessments view of the gradebook.

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