Translate Your AccountFollow these steps to translate your Otus account or your entire web browser into the language of your choice.
Use Otus on an iPadWays you can use Otus on an iPad
Logging in to Otus | NYC Schools Admins and TeachersThis article provides specific instructions for NYCDOE teachers and administrators to log in through Google.
Otus Technical Specifications and WhitelistThis is a list of URLs that the district should whitelist during Otus Implementation to ensure effective performance. Includes tech specs.
Clear Cache on iPad/iPhoneHow to clear the cache in Chrome and Safari on iPhone or iPad
Clear Your Browser's CacheHow to clear the cache on a computer's web browser.
Reset PasswordSteps to take if you have forgotten your own password, need to reset your password, or need to reset a student password.
Site Performance IssuesTroubleshooting slow loading time and performance in Otus
HTML EmbeddingMany teaching tools provide you with embed codes so you can easily add their content to the Otus Bookshelf, Lesson, or Blog
Access ShareFileHow to access the secure file sharing platform we use at Otus, ShareFile.
Best Practices for Using Two Different Accounts or Account TypesInstructions for logging in from two different browsers or an incognito browser.