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Student Profile Overview
Student Profile Overview

The student profile is the central location for all data related to an individual student.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 10 months ago

The student profile serves an important purpose — it is the home for individual student information. This feature is designed to help educators more easily access all student data in one convenient location.

Accessing the Student Profile

To access the Student Profile, navigate to the Students tab of the Classes module. Then click on the student's name to see their Student Profile:

Basic Student Demographic Information

The basic student demographic information is visible at the top of the student profile, regardless of which section of the profile you are viewing. To see additional details, hover over the upper left-hand corner to select the pencil icon.

The following fields can be edited by any educator with access to the student:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Phone

  • Password

The following fields can only be edited in an admin or main admin account:

  • Grade Level

  • Gender

  • Ethnicity/Race

❗️Important Note: If your district uses Google or Microsoft Single Sign On, changing the password here will not overwrite Single Sign On login information.


The first page of the student's profile is their main profile page. The three components of the main profile page are the gradebook, standards, and plans.


View the overall grade for each class the student is enrolled in. Filter to a different site if the student has dual enrollment and the grading periods that have been set by the district.


View student standard progress for each class. Filter to different grading periods, grading scales, mastery settings (if more than one is enabled by the district), and assessments or specific standards.


View the overall status of each plan the student is associated with, located at the bottom of the student profile.

You will be able to see the student's active plans and plans that they have completed.

Select a plan to view more details. Click the arrow beside the student's name to go right back to the profile.


The content tab is the home for any items that have been added to the student's portfolio, as well as any pinned Blog posts.


Students and educators can add items to an online portfolio to showcase the student's work inside Otus or outside Otus. All items that are added to the portfolio are available from year to year. They can also be removed as needed.


Students can write blog posts for any of their classes. Any blog that a student writes and publishes is available here for all educators to have access to.


The reports section of the student profile has a tabular view of assessments, attendance, and recognitions. This section of the profile also contains any 3rd Party Data that has been uploaded for the student.


This provides an overview of assessment scores that can be viewed for all classes at once or one class at a time.


For schools uploading attendance data, class attendance will show here.


Recognitions assigned to the student will show in this list.

3rd Party Data

Any 3rd Party data that has been uploaded will be listed here. Each company can be minimized using the Hide button if you'd like to only see specific data listed.


The information tab of the student profile contains a list of the student's groups, classes, and grade levels. You can also find notes, attachments, and family contact information here.

The first section contains the groups, classes, and grade levels information:

District Groups

View a list of any student groups that have been assigned at the district level.


All current classes are listed here.

Grade Level(s)

See the student's site and grade level for each year they have been enrolled at the district.

Continue scrolling, and you will see the family contact information and the family communication log:

Family Contacts

View and add any family contacts. This allows teachers to message family members directly.

Family Communication Log

Keep a record of any communication with a student's family by adding it to the log

The last section of this page is where educators can add notes for the student, as well as attachments to their profile:


Add notes that can be viewed by other educators with access to the student's records in Otus. Notes can be added for individual classes and then included in the report card as needed.


Any attachments added here are only available in the student profile to educators with access to the student.

Otus Live Video

Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on the Student Profile.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details

Can I change a student's name?

Yes, to change a student's name, do the following:

  1. From their Student Profile, click on the pencil icon in the upper left corner

  2. On the Edit Student Information popup window, the first and last name fields are editable

  3. Click Save when you’re done!

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