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Articles for the Lessons module
Lessons OverviewA general overview of the Lessons module.
Create a LessonHow to create a lesson.
Link Assessments to LessonsLearn how to directly link an assessment to a lesson activity.
Question Activities for LessonsYou can ask your students a multiple choice, true/false, or short answer question directly within a lesson.
Assign a LessonLearn how to assign a lesson.
View Lesson ProgressHow to check the status of assigned lessons.
Lesson FoldersUse folders to help organize your Otus Lessons.
Send a Copy of a LessonInstructions to send a copy of a lesson.
Edit a LessonHow to edit your lesson.
Preview a LessonHow to preview a lesson you've created.
Clone a LessonHow to make a copy of a lesson.
Delete a LessonHow to delete a lesson.
Unassign or Manage Assignees of a LessonHow to unassign a lesson from an entire class or from specific students, and how to add students to an already assigned lesson.
View or Change Assigned Lesson SettingsView or edit settings after lessons have been assigned.
Schedule a Lesson for a Later DateHow to schedule a lesson to be assigned on a later date.
Collect Student Work with Assessment Activities in LessonsHow to have students easily turn in work or upload a file from a lesson
File Activities in LessonsHow to upload and use files from your computer as an activity in an Otus Lesson.
Link Activities in LessonsHow to add a URL as an activity in an Otus Lesson.
Image Activities in LessonsHow to add an image as an activity in a lesson.
Video or Audio Activities in LessonsHow to add video or audio recordings to an activity within a lesson.
YouTube Activities in LessonsHow to add a YouTube video directly into an activity within an Otus Lesson.
Page Activities in LessonsHow to add a page to an activity within an Otus Lesson.
Add a Seesaw Link in LessonsAdd a Seesaw link to your Otus Lesson.
Embed Nearpod in an Otus LessonHow to embed a Nearpod lesson into an Otus Bookshelf item or Lesson tile.
Add an Otus Blog to a Lesson ActivityHow to add an Otus blog as an activity to a lesson.
Lesson Activity Thumbnail ImagesSee how to add your own images to Lesson activities, and browse our collection of graphics available for your use