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Articles for the Analytics module
Assessment AnalyticsExplore the possibilities for analyzing your Otus Assessments with Assessment Analytics.
Analyze Points-Based Assessments in Assessment AnalyticsYou can use Assessment Analytics to analyze Advanced Assessments that use the points grading scale.
Analyze Standards-Based Assessments in Assessment AnalyticsYou can use Assessment Analytics to analyze Advanced Assessments that use a standards grading scale.
Customize the X-Axis on the Performance History Chart in Assessment AnalyticsLearn how to create custom percentage ranges for the x-axis on the Performance History chart of Assessment Analytics.
Standards AnalyticsStandards Analytics allows you to view performance data for multiple standards.
Attendance AnalyticsHow to view attendance data in the Analytics module.
Student Recognition AnalyticsA recognition report can be generated in the Analytics Module.
Upload 3rd Party Assessment DataMain Admin accounts can upload their own 3rd Party Data.
Prepare 3rd Party Data Files for Upload to Your Otus DistrictA 3rd Party Data Checklist for districts to use to prepare for data uploads.
Manage NWEA MAP Data in 3rd Party AnalyticsHow to upload, analyze, and use NWEA MAP data in 3rd Party Analytics.
Manage PARCC / IAR Data in 3rd Party AnalyticsHow to upload, analyze, and use PARC/IAR data in 3rd Party Analytics.
Manage SBAC Data in 3rd Party AnalyticsHow to upload, analyze, and use Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium data in Otus
Manage Aimsweb Data in 3rd Party AnalyticsUpload, analyze, and use Aimsweb data in 3rd Party Analytics.
3rd Party and State Assessment Logo ImagesAccess images to use on 3rd Party Assessment tiles in Analytics.
Edit or Delete Attempts in "Other Assessment" UploadsHow to change the attempt names for uploaded data in 3rd Party Analytics.
View an Individual Student's 3rd Party DataLearn how to view a specific student's 3rd party data in both their student profile or directly in the Analytics module.
Exports from the Main Admin AccountExport data related to student usage, teacher usage, gradebook data, eligibility, and more.
Query Reports in AnalyticsAn explanation and instructions for how to use the Query feature in the Reports tab of the Analytics module.
List of Populations and Criteria within QueryThis article provides a simple list of the populations and criteria available in each query type.
Historical Report in AnalyticsRun a Historical Report as an administrator to compare performance across cohorts.
Query and Historical Report OverviewCreate and analyze custom reports as an administrator.