Teachers and administrators have the ability to add notes to a student's profile. Those notes can also be selected to be included as a comment on a report card.
To add a note, navigate to the student profile or to the gradebook.
Who can see these notes?
Administrators: Any administrator that has permissions for the class the student is enrolled in will be able to see the notes added to the student profile.
Teachers: Any teacher or co-teacher that has the student in a class will be able to see the notes added to the student profile.
Family: Family members will only be able to see the notes added to the student profile if they are added to the student's report card.
❗ When adding a note that will appear in student report cards, it is important to adjust the date so that it falls within the correct grading period. Learn more here!
Using Notes in the Student Profile
Locate the Notes Section
Step 1: From your Classes module, navigate to the Students tab, and choose the student you'd like to add a note for. You can change the class using the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
💡 Tip: If you are an administrator, the best way to access a student's portfolio is to search for that student on your district home page.
Step 2: Select the Information tab, then scroll down to the Notes section.
Add a New Note
When viewing the Notes section in the student profile, select the + Note icon to add a new note.
1 - Date: When adding a new note, the date and time is set to the current date and time by default. This can be changed if needed.
2 - Class: You can choose for this note to apply to the student's general profile (All Classes), or you can choose for this note to apply to just a single class.
3 - Notes: Your note can be up to 1000 characters long.
4 - Include in Report Card: Check the box for Include in Report Card, if you would like for the note to appear on the student's report card. If you selected All Classes in the Class dropdown (#2 in image), then the option to include in report card will not be available.
View, Edit, or Delete a Note
When viewing an individual note, select the ellipsis to either edit or delete the note.
You can edit the date/time of the note, the content, and whether or not to include it in the report card.
💡 Tip: Teachers can view all notes but can only edit or delete notes that they have written. Administrators can edit or delete any note.
Using Notes in the Gradebook
❗If you would like to add the same note for multiple students in a class, you can do so from either the points or standards gradebook. You can also use this method to add notes for individual students.
There is no way to edit or delete a full class note you added to the gradebook. Before adding a note to your entire class, double-check it says what you intended.
Select Students
Step 1: Navigate to the Gradebook module (the example below shows the assessments view, but the same steps are used to add a note in the standards view).
Step 2: Use the drop down menu to specify which class you wish to view.
Step 3: Check the boxes next to any student names that you would like to add the note to.
Step 4: Click the Note icon that appears just above the gradebook on the left side.
💡 Tip: If you are unable to click on the Note icon, make sure that you have selected at least one student using the checkboxes on the lefthand side.
Create the Note
1 - Class: The class selection is made in the gradebook module and cannot be changed in the Notes window. All Classes is not an available option when adding a note in the gradebook.
2 - Date & Time: When adding a new note, the date and time is set to the current date and time by default. This can be changed if needed.
3 - Students: The students who were selected in the gradebook will be displayed. Adjustments can be made by adding or removing students.
4 - Note: Your note can be up to 1000 characters long.
5 - Include in Report Card: Check the box for Include in Report Card, if you would like for the note to appear on the student's report card.
Be sure to click Save when you are done!
💡 Tip: Saved notes can be viewed or edited from the Student Profile.
Report Card Comments
❗ Important information for report card comments ❗
Check the date! If you need the comment to appear on a report card, please make sure the date of the note falls within the date range the report cards will be generated for. For example, if you need the note to appear on the report card for 1st Quarter, make sure the date of the note falls on a date that is within the 1st Quarter.
Choose a class! You must choose an individual class in order to include the note on the report card. If you have "All Classes" selected in the Class dropdown menu, the checkbox for including on the report card will not be present.
Otus Live Video
Click to view a video from our Otus Live series on how to add notes to be included in the student profile and, if desired, in the report card.
Click to view a video from our Otus Live series on how to add notes to be included in the student profile and, if desired, in the report card.