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Control Center

Articles for the district settings that are managed in the Control Center module of the Main Administrator account
Grading ScalesGrading scales are the levels of student performance. This article will show you how to create and edit grading scales.
Mastery SettingsLearn how to create and/or enable mastery settings from the Control Center of the Main Admin account.
Term ConversionApply numeric ranges for each term in a grading scale.
Total Grade Conversion for PointsTotal grade conversion set up and overview for Points.
Total Grade Conversion for StandardsTotal grade conversion set up and overview for Standards.
Decaying Average Mastery Setting
Academic Sessions and Grading PeriodsHow to create district academic sessions for reporting by quarters or semesters in the Main Admin account.
Add and Manage Admin UsersHow to add additional administrator accounts to your district, as well as manage those administrator accounts by setting their permissions.
Bulk Upload Family Contact InformationLearn how to bulk upload family member information into Otus.
Bulk Upload Student PhotosLearn how to bulk upload student pictures to their profiles.
Add Integrations and External Tools (LTI) in the Control CenterWithin the Control Center, you can activate external tools that your district has subscribed to.