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Family Guide: Otus Report Cards
Family Guide: Otus Report Cards

As a parent or family member, view and interpret a report card generated in Otus.

Olivia Reinauer avatar
Written by Olivia Reinauer
Updated over a week ago

Does your school share progress reports or report cards that are created in Otus? If so, read on to learn about how Otus report cards are structured, and what might be included.

Please note: The content and appearance a report card will vary depending on the selections and grading systems used at your student's school. The examples in this article are intended to be used as a reference only.

General Information

  • At the top of the report card you will see your student's name, the school name, the report card title, and the date range of the report card. For standards report cards, you will also see the standards scale name and mastery setting.

  • Classes

    • Grades are listed separately for each class

    • Classes are listed on the report card in alpha-numeric order

  • Depending on your school's grading system, your student's report card could include points (percentage) grades, standards grades, or both. If both are included, then the points score will be listed first, with the standards grades for the same class listed below.

Points Grades

If your school does not use a points/percentage grading system, you can skip to the next section!

The following elements may be present for a class that uses a points grading scale:

  • 1 - Class name

  • 2 - Teacher's last name

  • 3 - Attendance details (optional)

  • 4 - Total class grade percentage

  • 5 - Optional total class grade conversion derived from #4

If assessment details are included, they will show the following columns:

  • Assessment name - Title of the assessment

  • Type - Assessment category

  • Submitted - Date the assessment was submitted by the student

  • Points - How many points the student earned out of the total point value for the assessment

  • Percent - Assessment score calculated as a percentage

Standards Grades

Start at the top of the report card to see the date range and standards information.

  • 1 - Date range for the report card

  • 2 - Name of the standards scale used for the report card

  • 3 - Mastery setting (used to calculate the overall score for each standard based on multiple attempts toward the standard)

💡 Tip: For questions about the standards scale or mastery setting calculation being used, please check with your student's school.

Standards grades are listed by class. You will typically see multiple standards listed for each class. Let's take a look at the standard indicated with the red box below:

  • On the left is a description of the standard

    • Example: Grammar and spelling Punctuation Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

  • In parenthesis after the description is the standard name/code

    • Example: (MJC-Conventions)

  • To the right of the description, you will see a progress/status bar and a term describing the student's current performance level.

    • The bar indicates which segment the student falls into based on the performance levels in the standards grading scale. In the example above, there are 4 levels: Not at Mastery, Approaching, Meets, and Exceeds.

    • In the example, the student is showing Not at Mastery, so the first 1/4 of the bar is filled in.

If you have a Family Account in Otus, you can visit your student's gradebook to locate additional information about your student's standards performance. Click here for help with navigating the standards view of the gradebook in your Otus family account.

Otus Live Video

Click to view a video from our Otus Live series on viewing an Otus report card as a family member or student.

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