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Standards View Troubleshooting

Look here for tips and tricks on navigating filters in the standards view of the gradebook.

Brooke Fodor avatar
Written by Brooke Fodor
Updated over a year ago

Are you having some trouble with your standards view? You have come to the right place. Take a look at these troubleshooting tips and tricks to ensure sure you are navigating your standards view properly.

❗️By default the standards view of the gradebook displays the following:

  • You will see all standards assessed on any assessment with a due date in the current grading period. If your district does not use separate grading periods, you will see all standards assessed in the year and a cumulative overall standard score.

  • The overall standard score will be calculated by the default mastery setting established by the district in the Main Admin account.

  • All standards assessed using the default grading scale will be visible. The default grading scale is listed first in your list of available grading scales.

Locate My Grades

There are a few settings in the standards view that may be impacting the standards data you are seeing. Here are some places to check!

1. Class Selection

Be sure you are viewing the correct class from within the class dropdown list.

2. Standards View

To view assessed standards, you must be in the standards view, not the assessments view of the gradebook.

3. Standards Filter

Select "Filter Standards" to ensure that the standard(s) you are trying to view is/are selected.

4. Assessment Filter

Select "Filter Assessments" to ensure that the assessment(s) you are trying to view is/are selected.

5. Grading Scales

Many Districts have multiple grading scales turned on. You may need to choose the correct grading scale from the dropdown menu to locate the standards you have assessed.

6. Grading Periods:

If your district has grading periods in place, you will have the option to choose between them. Ensure you are viewing the correct grading period to see your standards data.

💡 Tips from the Otus Team:

  • The gradebook is based on the due date of an assessment. The assessment's due date determines which grading period the standard performance falls into.

  • If an assessment does not have a due date, the graded date is used instead.

Gradebook Grades Do Not Match Report Cards

1. Mastery Settings

Many districts have multiple Mastery Settings enabled in the standards view. You may see options such as Mean, Mode, Most Recent, Highest, and Decaying Average. Each of these options will calculate the standards data differently. Ensure you are viewing the gradebook using the same Mastery Setting that your district had selected when running the report cards.

2. Additional Filters

Any of the filters mentioned above may lead to gradebook grades not matching report card grades. Be sure to view all filtering options to ensure you have the same filters in place that the gradebook was generated with.

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