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Math Advanced Assessments

This article will provide an overview of the different types of math questions available when building an Advanced Assessment

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over a week ago

When creating an advanced assessment, you can create questions specifically for mathematics.

*The Cloze Math and Cloze Math with Image Questions are not recommended - use Math or Label Image with Math instead!


The student enters a math response into one or more response boxes.

Label Math with Image

The student enters a math response into one or more response boxes on an image.

Math Essay with Rich Text

The student can input both text and math formulas/symbols within the same response, usually when a response needs further explanation.

Math Question Generator

Automates the repetitive aspects of mathematics question authoring, by taking a range of values and then creating a data table containing many variations of the question (and relevant solutions), with validation automatically set up.

Desmos Math Questions

Desmos questions are on separate tabs, marked with the green Desmos symbol. These question types are created using the Desmos Builder, and are the most advanced math question types.

  • Algebra I

  • Algebra II

  • Geometry

  • Statistics

  • Economics

  • Calculus

  • Miscellaneous

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