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Drawing Question for Advanced Assessments

Drawing questions allow students to answer using different drawing tools such as a compass, straightedge (ruler), etc. on a provided image.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 9 months ago

Now that you've started to build an advanced assessment, you may want to add an Drawing question.

The Drawing question type allows students to mark up an uploaded image, blank workspace, or selected background using different drawing tools such as a compass, straightedge (ruler), or scribble pen.


💡 Tip: This question type is great if you'd like students to show their work!

Build the Question

  • If you are creating a new item, select the + Create button on the assessment builder, title the item, and then select the Add New plus sign to add a question.

  • If you are adding to an existing item, simply select the Add New plus sign (as shown above) to add a question to the item.

Next, select the Highlight and Drawing category from the options on the left. Then select Drawing.

Compose the Question

  • Type the question prompt into this field.

    • You have many formatting options from the Rich Text toolbar, including changing the font size, adding tables, using math symbols, adding multimedia, and more! Click here for more information on the different functions of the Rich Text toolbar.

Choose Toolbar Options

  • You can control what tools the student will see on their toolbar.

    • The icons highlighted in grey have been enabled. The white icons are disabled.

    • Click on a white icon to enable it or a grey icon to disable it.

    • Use the DIV icons to place dividing lines between icons.

    • These tool options are draggable. You can drag and drop the tools into a different order, and the new order will be displayed on the toolbar.

Note: The compass tool has a minimum radius of 160px.

Add Ability for Text Annotations

  • Do you want the students to annotate (label) their image using text? Here's how you can enable that feature:

    • Select the Text toolbar option.

    • Choose if you want special characters or math types as part of the available keypads (optional).

    • See the example below. Students can type on the drawing with the ability to change the color and font size.

  • There is a 50 character limit with this text option.

Choose Image/Background

There are three options available when it comes to the drawing space:

Blank Workspace:

  • If you just need a blank space for students to draw, you can leave this image just as is (no need to add anything). The default is set for a blank workspace (see below).

Uploaded Image

  • If you have your own image you'd like students to draw on, select the + Add button. Then find your image on your computer.


  • There are three pre-designed backgrounds you can choose that don't require you to upload an image. Select the Background button and choose from grid, dot, or line (for ruled paper).

Choose Line Options

  • You can add up to six (6) line colors for students to use.

  • To add a new color, select the blue + Add button.

  • You can type the name of the color, such as "red", the RGB color code, or the Hex color code.

Set the Scoring

The Drawing question type is not auto-scored; it will require manual scoring once the assessment has been turned in.

  • Step 1: Expand the More Options section.

  • Step 2: Add a point value into the Max score field. The default is set to 1 point.

Student Preview

It's highly recommended to Preview the question as you are building it in the item. This displays the question from the students' perspective and reviews your formatting of the question. This question is not auto-scoring, therefore, there will not be a preview of the scoring.

Click to see a short clip of this question type from the student's perspective.

More Options

There are a few additional scoring and layout options.


Click to see the option for a minimum score.

  • The minimum score if attempted section gives the students points for simply attempting to answer the question. Please note these points will not be awarded if the question is skipped or left blank.


Click to see options for changing the line width.

  • Enter a numerical value in the Line width (px) field. The default is set to 5; use that as your point of reference. To decrease the width, set it to a value less than 5. To increase the width, set it to a value greater than 5.

Click to see options for font size.

  • In the Font size dropdown menu, you can change the font size of all components of the question to small, normal, large, extra large, or huge.


Click to see "Extras".

At the very bottom of the More Options menu, you will see "Extras". These options are not applicable to Otus assessments - they do not have any impact on the questions or the assessment.

Learnosity Resources

Click to see a video tutorial on how to create this question type from Learnosity.

You can also read more about this question on type on Learnosity's Author Guide.

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