3rd Party Data AutomationsThis article outlines the different options for data automations.
Automate NWEA Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for NWEA data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.
Automate iReady Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for iReady data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.
Automate Renaissance STAR Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for Renaissance STAR data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.
Automate Kelvin Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for Kelvin data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.
Automate FastBridge Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for FastBridge data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.
Automate SELweb Data into OtusHow to set up the automation for SELweb data into the 3rd Party Analytics module of Otus.