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Edit an Assessment Title or Type

Change the title or category of your draft assessments.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 9 months ago

You can edit the Name and Type (category) of draft assessment from the Draft Assessments Page.

❗ Changing the title or type of a draft assessment will also update any instance of the assessment that has been assigned, except for Advanced assessments. For more information on editing the Title or Type of an assigned Advanced assessment, click here.

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Draft Assessments section.

  • Step 2: Select the ellipsis.

  • Step 3: Select Edit Details.

  • Step 4: From here, you can edit the Name and Type of your assessment.

Want to edit the Grading Scale of the assessment? The grading scale of an assessment can only be changed by cloning it to create a new copy.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

Can I change the title of an assessment after it has been assigned?

Yes, an assessment’s title can be changed after assigning, although the process is different for Simple or Rubric Assessments than it is for Advanced Assessments:

  • For Simple or Rubric Assessments, go to Assessments - Drafts. Click on the action menu (the ellipsis button on the right side of the assessment) and choose Edit Details. In the Edit Assessment Details popup window, edit the Assessment Name field to the new title. Click Save when you’re done! This will edit the title of the draft and any assigned instance of the Simple or Rubric Assessment.

  • For Advanced Assessments, go to Assessments - Assigned. Choose the class in which the assessment is assigned. Click on the action menu (the ellipsis button on the right side of the assessment) and choose Edit Details. In the Edit Assessment Details popup window, edit the Assessment Name field to the new title. Click Save when you’re done! This will not change the name of the Draft. Note - if the Advanced Assessment was assigned to more than one class, the title will need to be changed in each class.

Can the names of Types be changed?

No. The names of the Assessment Types themselves (Assignment, Quiz, Test, Project, etc…) cannot be customized or manually edited to other terms.

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