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Assessments (Points-Based) Report Card
Assessments (Points-Based) Report Card

Generate a report card that includes grades from the assessments view of the gradebook.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over a week ago

This article will show you how to generate a report card that includes points-based data only. Report cards can only be generated in admin or main admin accounts. You can include both assessments and standards data on a report card, but this article will focus on the assessment (points-based).

Example Points Report Card

General Information:

  • The student name appears in the upper-left corner in large text on the first page. It will appear in the header of each subsequent page as well.

  • The name of the class is listed, along with the last name of the teacher (co-teachers are not listed on report cards).

  • Classes are listed in alpha-numeric order.

  • Assessment are listed in each class are in alpha-numeric order.

  • Excluded assessments are not included on report cards.

Where to Start

Navigate to the Analytics module, select Reports at the bottom of the list, then choose Report Card.

The Reports page has four general areas:

Template Information

  • Title - the title also appears centered in the header of each page.

  • Language - can choose between English and Spanish.

  • School Logo

    • should be no larger than 25mb

    • should be square for best results - example: 500x500px would work well.

Student Population and Date Range

Required Fields:

  • Site (school) - this will only appear on the first page.

  • Date range - this will also appear in the top-right corner of the header on each page.

Optional Fields:

  • Teachers: Selecting teachers will only generate report cards for students enrolled in those teachers' classes.

  • Groups: Selecting student groups will only generate report cards for students enrolled in those groups.

  • Grade Levels: Selecting grade levels will only generate report cards for students enrolled in those grade levels.

  • Students: Selecting students will only generate report cards for those students. Type the first three letters of the student's name to see the dropdown list populate with student names.

Special Notes:

  • When selecting a student group, students that were enrolled in that group at any point during the selected time frame will be included in the report card.

  • Sometimes there won't be any students that populate for the report card; it most often leads back to the above settings being too specific. We recommend leaving these fields set to All when possible. For more information, check out the Common Troubleshooting Tips section below!

  • If the report card doesn't contain expected grades, it could be because the assessment date is not within the date range selected. See the Common Troubleshooting Steps section below for more information.

Choose the Gradebook

This article is specifically for assessments (which is the Points gradebook, here), but you can choose to include both points and standards. For more information on running report cards for just standards, check out this article.

When choosing the points gradebook, you can choose whether or not to include assessment details or total grade conversion.

  • Assessment Details: checking this option will display the list of assessments in that class, along with their type, submission date, and grade.

    • If you choose not to include assessment details, only the percentage for the class will display.

  • Total Grade: Checking this option will use the settings in Control Center to assign a value to the entire class based on the average percentage of all included assessments. This will show up above the class.

Optional Items

Attendance, Notes, & ID Number

  • Attendance: displays the number of tardies and absences recorded each class.

  • Notes: displays notes from the student profile. The note must have the "Include in Report Card" option checked. The contents of the note, last name of the teacher, and the date stamp are shown below the list of standards for each class.

  • ID Number: The student's SIS ID, State ID, or Student ID can be chosen to display under the student's name on the first page of their report card.

  • Family and/or student signature line: these will appear at the end of each student's report card, just after the last class.

  • Message: This will appear at the bottom of each page of the report card.

Exporting and Printing the Report Cards

After selecting the desired criteria, click Export in the bottom right corner.

  • A dialogue box will appear showing the amount and progression of the report card generation.

  • Once the report cards are complete, a file download will appear. Click on the file to open the report cards.

💡 Tip: We highly recommend saving the report card file with a unique name. Saving it with a unique name will allow you to reference the report in the future.

Blank Pages

  • If the student's report card has an odd number of pages, there will be a blank page that follows. Blank pages are there to allow for double-sided printing. This is so two student's report cards don't appear back to back on the same piece of paper if double-sided printing is desired.

  • If a student's report card is an even number of pages, there will not be a blank page following it.

  • Even if you don't need to print double sided, we recommend using that setting anyway; this ensures you won't be printing "blank" pages.

❗ Special Notes

  • Does the number of report cards seem incorrect? Check out the first tip in FAQ and Troubleshooting section below.

  • Can't find the file? Check your downloads folder.

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FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

To see a very thorough list of report card troubleshooting issues and solutions, check out the article linked below:

What should I do if no students populate for the report card?

Ensure that the settings for teachers, groups, grade levels, and students are not too specific and consider leaving them set to "All" when possible.

Why are expected grades missing from the report card?

Check if the assessment date falls within the selected date range.

What is the difference between including assessment details or just the percentage on the report card?

Including assessment details will display a list of assessments with type, submission date, and grade, while including only the percentage will show the overall class percentage.

Why are there blank pages on some report cards?

Blank pages are included to allow for double-sided printing, ensuring that two students' report cards don't appear back to back on the same page.

What should I do if I can't find the generated file or if there was an error while generating the report cards?

Check your downloads folder. If there was an error, refer to this article.

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