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Locked Assessments

How to send and use locked assessments.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Administrators can choose to share assessments as locked or unlocked. This article explains the behaviors and rules for using locked assessments.

General Information

  • Only administrators can send locked copies of assessments.

  • Locked copies of assessments can be sent to both teachers and other administrators.

  • When administrators send assessments, the default setting is locked.

  • Once the assessment is sent, it can't be changed from locked to unlocked or vice versa. The sender will need to re-send the assessment in order to change the permissions.

  • Locked assessments are sent to the recipient's Shared With Me folder.

  • If an administrator shares an assessment folder, all assessments in that folder are sent as locked assessments.

  • Administrators can assign an assessment directly to classes as a locked assessment.

  • The recipient of a locked assessment copy can preview it and assign it to classes, but cannot open the draft to edit it.

When should you use a locked assessment?

  • When you do not want teachers to have the ability to edit their individual copy of an assessment.

  • When you want the data for all classes that are assigned the assessment to aggregate together in Analytics.

Send a Locked Assessment

  • Step 1: Locate the Assessment in your Drafts.

  • Step 2: Select the ellipsis.

  • Step 3: Select Send Copy.

  • Step 4: Search for the teacher by typing in the entire email address of the desired recipient. Hit Enter or Return on your keyboard. The recipient will appear just underneath the title of the assessment you are sending.

  • Step 5: Make sure you leave the toggle OFF for "Allow teachers to edit the assessment." The default setting when sending an assessment is to send it locked, so changes to this toggle are not necessary to send a locked assessment.

  • Step 6: Once you select Send, you will see a green confirmation message in the upper-right corner of your screen that reads Successfully Sent.

💡 Tip: You can also send assessments to teacher groups by selecting the Teacher Groups tab.

Specific Behaviors

Recipient Actions

What can the recipient of an unlocked vs. locked assessment do?

Editing Options

Who can edit an unlocked vs. locked assessment, and how do those edits impact the sent copies?


How is the data from unlocked vs. locked assessments analyzed?

💡 Tip: Plus (+) assessments can't be shared as locked copies, but they can be added to multiple classes when they're created. When this is done, the data for all classes aggregates in Analytics, just like with a locked assessment.

Assessment Location

Once the sender sends the assessment, where can the recipient find it?

Assign a Locked Assessment

If you assign an assessment as an administrator, you have the ability to assign it locked or unlocked. This setting is located at the bottom of the page when you are assigning an assessment.

  • Assigning the assessment locked means that the data from that assessment will aggregate when viewing Assessment Analytics.

  • Assigning the assessment unlocked means that the data from that assessment will not aggregate when viewing Assessment Analytics.

Share an Assessment Folder

  • Only administrators can share assessment folders, and all assessments in a shared folder are locked by default.

  • Sharing assessment folders has a slightly different set of behaviors. To learn more, click the buttons below.

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