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Share Assessment Folders

Admins can share assessment folders with teachers and other admins and manage user access of folders.

Brooke Fodor avatar
Written by Brooke Fodor
Updated over 5 months ago

Administrators have the ability to organize assessments into folders and share those assessment folders with other users.

Sharing an Assessment Folder

  • Step 1: While in the Assessments module, select the ellipsis to the right of the desired folder:

  • Step 2: Choose the users to share it with.

    • Begin typing the name of the teacher or group you'd like to share the folder with (type a minimum of 3 characters to search).

    • Select a name when it appears. You can share with multiple users at once.

    • Determine whether you'd like to allow the users you've shared the folder with to clone (i.e. make copies of) the assessments in that folder. *Note - this setting can be adjusted post-sharing.

  • Step 3: Select Send.

💡 Tip: Keep in mind that when an assessment folder is shared, the assessments within the folder are shared as locked assessments. There is not an option to share a folder of unlocked assessments.

Sharing Parent Folders vs. Child Folders

➡️ Sharing a parent folder will automatically share all of its child folders.

  • In the example above: if the ELA parent folder is shared with a user, that user will also have the 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, and 4th Grade child folders shared with them.

➡️ Sharing a child folder does not automatically share the parent folder.

  • In the example above: If the 1st Grade child folder is shared with a user, that user does not automatically have the ELA parent folder shared with them.

➡️ Sharing a child folder does not share the other child folders.

  • In the example above: If the 1st Grade child folder is shared with a user, that user does not automatically have the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Grade child folders shared with them.

➡️ The cloning abilities you share with a parent folder will remain the same for the child folders.

  • In the example above: If the ELA parent folder is shared allowing users to clone the assessments, the same will apply to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade child folders that are automatically shared along with the parent folder.

💡 Tips:

  • If you want to share child folders with different cloning abilities, share them separately, rather than sharing the parent folder.

  • You can only share child folders from My Folders. You are unable to share child folders from the Share With Me folders.

Managing User Access

After sharing, you can remove users' folder access. You can also edit the ability to clone those assessments.

  • Step 1: While in the Assessments module, select the ellipsis to the right of the desired folder.

  • Step 2: Select Manage User Access.

  • Step 3: Select the X next to any user or group you'd like to remove access from. You can also change the toggle for cloning abilities here.

💡 Tip: If you remove a teacher from a teacher group that has assessments shared with them, that assessment folder will no longer appear in the teacher's account.

Using Shared Assessment Folders

Select the button below to learn more about how teachers and administrators can use shared assessment folders.

Otus Live Video

Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on how to share Assessment folders with teachers and teacher groups.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details

When I try to share an assessment folder, the teacher name is grayed out. Why?

That indicates the folder has already been shared with them by another administrator; this is so the teacher doesn't receive two copies of the same folder.

Can I share a folder of unlocked assessments?

No, the assessments shared in folders are always shared locked. To send a copy of an unlocked assessment, you can send the assessment individually.

If I add more teachers to a group that has a shared assessment folder, will they automatically have access to the folder?

Adding teachers to the group will automatically share the folder with them.

How can I remove access to an assessment folder for a single teacher within a group?

Simply remove the teacher from that teacher group. The folder will be removed from the teacher's account.

Can teachers share assessment folders?

No, the sharing of folders is limited to administrators. Folders were designed to help administrators distribute locked assessments more efficiently, maintain assessment integrity, and facilitate live changes and data collection. Teachers can use folders for organizational purposes only.

How can I share child folders with different cloning abilities?

If you want to share child folders with different cloning abilities, share them separately instead of sharing the parent folder.

If I "unshare" a folder, what happens to the data that was gathered from those assessments?

Nothing; the data is not deleted and it will remain visible in Analytics.

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