Positive or negative behaviors can be documented in Otus using our Recognitions tool. If your school district has been collecting behavioral data in a system other than Otus, we now have the ability to upload that data to Otus.
This article will help you prepare an export of your data for upload to Otus.
Step 1: Fill in the Otus Template
Using an export of your data, you'll need to fill out a template to upload the information into Otus.
➡️ The following fields in the template are required for upload to Otus:
Unique Student Identifier: At least one unique student identifier should be entered in Column A, B, C, or D of the template. Student Email, SIS ID, Student Number, or State ID are all examples of acceptable identifiers.
This is the name of the behavior (e.g. Technology Misconduct).
Every Recognition you are uploading data for must already be created in your Otus account and the name entered in this file must match what's in Otus. For example, in order to upload data for the behavior "Cooperative", it must be created in Otus as pictured below.
Teacher Email: The teacher email address associated with each student record must be associated with a teacher account in Otus.
Class: The Class Name entered in Column G must match the Class Name in Otus as pictured below. This can be found in the Class Info section of any class.
Date: Month, day, and year are required.
"Note" is an optional column in the template. This is a great place to include any details about the behavior. There is not a character limit.
Step 2: Share the Template with the Otus Team
The final step is to share your data with the Otus team. Please reach out to your Otus Client Experience Partner or to clientdata@otus.com. We will provide you with a link you can use to securely share the completed .CSV file with Otus.