Teachers are able to assign the same grade for any points-based assessment and the same assessment status (for both points-based and standards-based assessments) directly in the assessments view of the gradebook.
Assigning the Same Grade
Step 1: In the assessments view, select the checkboxes next to the names of the students that should receive the same grade.
Step 2: Enter the desired score into the grade box for any student by double-clicking.
Step 3: Hit enter on your keyboard to automatically fill in the grades for all of the selected students.
Assigning the Same Status
Step 1: In the assessments view, select the checkboxes next to the names of the students that should receive the same status.
Step 2: Click the blank space for the status between the score and the comment bubble. The status will be blank if the assessment has not yet been graded.
Step 3: Select the applicable status from the dropdown menu.
Adding the Same Comment
Step 1: In the assessments view, select the checkboxes next to the names of the students that should receive the same comment.
Step 2: Click the comment (speech bubble) icon for any of the selected students.
Step 3: Type your comment and select Save.