Otus syncs students, teachers, rosters, and demographic information from the following Student Information Systems (SIS).
Aeries | Alma | Aspen | Aspire |
Blackbaud | Chalkable/iNow/ STI | CIMS | CIMS III |
ClassLink | Clever | Crosspoint/AS400 Sped | SASL/Progress Books |
Django-SIS | EDP | Education Edge | EduPoint |
eSchool | ESD | Genesis | GoEduStar |
Illuminate | Infinite Campus | ITCCS | JMC |
Jupiter | MiSIS | MiStar | MMS |
NebSIS | Open-SIS | OSIMS | Pathways |
PowerSchool | ProLogic/TEAMS | RDS | Real Time |
Rediker | RenWeb | RSCCC | SAM Spectra (Central Access) |
School Brains | School Insight | SchoolSpeak | Schoolmaster |
SchoolTool | SDS | SISK12 | Skyward |
Synergy | TEAMS | TxEIS | Tyler |
WVIES | Web2School |
If you currently use one of these Student Information Systems, please contact your Otus representative or email us at support@otus.com for additional information.
If your SIS is not listed, we have the capability to sync rostering data via Clever, ClassLink, OneRoster API, or CSV file exports. Your Integration Specialist and CXP will be able to provide you with information about your rostering options during your Kick-Off call.
Otus also offers gradebook passback integrations with PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, Skyward, and Aeries.