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Learnosity Terms and Definitions

Terminology used by Learnosity in the Advanced Assessment Builder

Kris Hyland avatar
Written by Kris Hyland
Updated over a week ago

The Advanced Assessment builder is created by Learnosity; a company we work with to provide you with over 60 intricate question types.

There may be times when you aren't familiar with some of the terminology used by Learnosity. This article is meant to help provide some clarity to that terminology.

❗ Otus does not use all of Learnosity's components in our assessment builder. If you see this emoji✖️ , that is an indication that this is not a component used by Otus.


  • Acknowledgements- References for any text passages, documents, images etc. used in the question. ✖️

  • Add Button- Selection will display a single button graphing tool that will be available on the student toolbar.

  • Add Group- A set of tools grouped into one drop down menu in the toolbar.

  • Add Point (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to add points on chart.

  • Alternate Responses- Alternate correct response options that students can still receive points for.

  • Annotation- In the Annotation section you can add more information to your graph by adding the graph title and/or labels on the top, bottom, left, or right.

  • Aria Label for Value- A plain text version of the correct answer which is available in the review state for screen reader users.

  • Audio Question- Allows authors to embed audio recordings into a question to record, save, and play-back a students response.

  • Author Shaded- When creating a shading assessment, the teacher can shade some of the cells; they will appear highlighted when the student sees the question.

  • Axis X/Y- Defines if Axis should be shown in a coordinate grid.


  • Background Image- To use an image as a grid background.

  • Background Shape- Shapes that will be displayed as stimulus in the the background of the Background Image. Users will be able to see them but not be able to interact with them.

  • Bar Chart (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create an interactive bar chart.

  • Border Type- Defines how border displays.

  • Browser Spellcheck (toggle switch)- Enable or disable browser spellcheck on the user response area. Note this is a browser feature and may not always be available.

  • bycount- Used when the task is to select the correct amount of cells. Teachers set the amount of cells in order to validate the question. Cells position will not be considered when validating the question.

  • bylocation- Used when the task is to highlight specific cells on the grid. Teachers will need to click on the correct cells on the grid in order to indicate the correct response.


  • Canvas- Specifies the background image representing the graph in which the user will be plotting.

  • Case-sensitive (toggle switch)- Enable to determine if students responses should match case or not. By default all questions are not case sensitive i.e. “Yes” and “yes” are treated as the same answer. If you wish the students to enter the response in the correct case enable Case Sensitive.

  • Cell Height- Shading cell height ratio.

  • Cell Width- Shading cell width ratio.

  • Character Map (toggle-switch)- Enabling allows students to select non-typical letters and symbols in language (e.g. ó, ç, ñ or Math and Science e.g. μ, ∞ ,≤) and make them available for the students in Cloze Text questions. Clicking Yes/No will turn on our default (Alpha) character map.

  • Chart Title- Title to of the chart.

  • Chemistry Formula (question type)- Allows students to input full or partial chemical formulas into empty response boxes.

  • Cloze Chemistry (question type)- Allows students to enter chemical formulas into empty response boxes, which may form part of an equation, or appear in the middle of text.

  • Chemistry Essay with Rich Text (question type)- Allows students to input both text and chemical formula, within the same response.

  • Cloze Chemistry with Image (question type)- Students can input complex chemistry formulas on an image, using response boxes.

  • Choice Matrix: Inline (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create questions with a two-option columns in an inline format.

  • Choice Matrix: Labels (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create questions with a two-option columns in table format with Stem Numeration (character to be displayed to the right of the option label).

  • Choice Matrix: Standard (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create questions with a two-option columns in a table format.

  • Classification (question type)- This question type allows students to categorize a list of possible responses, in the form of words or images, into a table.

  • Cloze Math (question type)- This question type allows the student to enter math responses into response boxes which can form part of an equation or a passage of text.

  • Cloze Math: Image (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter complex math formula as a response on an image, with advanced validation capabilities using math specific scoring methods.

  • Cloze: Drop Down (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks with a drop down menu choices.

  • Cloze: Text (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks with a keyboard.

  • Cloze: Drag & Drop (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks by dragging and dropping answer choices.

  • Column Count- Number of columns in table.

  • Column Titles- Column titles for table. If there are more titles then columns the excess titles will be ignored.

  • Comma in Label (toggle switch)- Inserts comma to separate thousands in a number.

  • Compare Sides (toggle switch)- If enabled when comparing two constant equations, compare the corresponding sides of each equation.

  • Controls- Teacher options for controlling which graph elements will be visible to students.

  • Correct Tab- A list of possible responses to be classified into categories. To validate the question simply drag and drop responses into the correct category.


  • Data- Chart data.

  • Data Point (s) Label- Label for Bar Chart bars.

  • Data Point (s) Value- Insert a value for the point. This is the initial value the point will be set to when the student sees the question.

  • Data Point(s) Interactive (toggle switch)- Enable Interactive if you want the students to interact with the point.

  • Decimal Places- Number of significant decimal places: default and max is 10.

  • Default Tool- The tool that will be set when the question is loaded. Default Tool options: Move, Label, Plot, Line, Ray, Segment, Vector, Circle, Parabola, Sine, Polygon.

  • Delete Point (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to delete a data point.

  • Determine Ticks Distance- The distance between the ticks displayed in the axis.

  • Distance- Distance between ticks on the number line.

  • Distractor Rationale- Used for storing the distractor rationales that map to responses in the same order for use/rendering by the host environment. ✖️

  • Dot Plot (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create an interactive dot plot.

  • Download Link (toggle switch)- If enabled, provides a link for students to download the audio asset is displayed.

  • Drag Handles- Visual element that appear on the left of the list elements.

  • Draw Label Zero (toggle switch)- Defines whether to draw ‘0’ label.

  • Draw Labels (toggle switch)- Enable to show labels in the axis of a graph.

  • Duplicate Responses (toggle switch)- Enable for response values to be used infinite times.


  • Edit Point Label (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to edit point labels on X axis.

  • Edit Template- Area to enter the text into for Token Highlight question types.

  • Edit Tokens- Tokens are words, sentences or paragraphs of text that can be highlighted. To create a question with tokens you should first enter the text and then create tokens inside it.

  • equivLiteral- Checks if the response from the student is literally equal to the correct response. This means that the form, order, elements, and values should match. Responses that are mathematically equal, but are in a form other than the one specified by authors, will return false. Use equivLiteral when you want to specify a particular form of the mathematical expression as the correct answer.

  • EquivValue- Compares numerical values that may be represented in different ways, such as 1m = 100cm. equivValue will evaluate the expression to a numerical form for comparison. As long as the value given by the student is mathematically equal to the result the author was expecting, the question will validate as correct.

  • Essay: Basic (question type)- This question type allows students to give long, detailed answers to questions (up to a maximum of 10,000 words)

  • Essay: Rich Text (question type)- This question type allows students to give long, detailed answers to questions (up to a maximum of 10,000 words) with formatting options

  • Essay: Short Text (question type)- This question type requires students to respond to questions with have short, definite answers, e.g. 1-2 words, or a number.


  • Fill- An RGBA string defining the fill color for all hotspots.

  • Font Size- Controls the size of font for this question. Options are: ‘small’, ‘normal’, ‘large’, 'extra large', and ‘huge’

  • Fractions Format- Define how fractions are shown on the number line.

  • Fractions Format: Improper Fractions- Displays only improper fractions.

  • Fractions Format: Not Normalized and Mixed Fractions- Displays only NOT normalized and mixed fractions.

  • Fractions Format: Normalized and Mixed Fractions- Displays only normalized and mixed fractions.


  • Global- Attributes for all hotspots in a Highlighted Image question type.

  • Graphing: 1st Quadrant (question type)- Allows students to plot points, lines, and shapes on the 1st quadrant of a coordinate grid.

  • Grid- Configure the X and Y axis parameters, such as hide/show arrows and ticks, add labels and define ticks distance. Each parameter should be specified for both axis.

  • Gridded (question type)- This question type provides students with a gridded layout for nemerical responses.


  • Handwriting Recognizes- Defines the set of characters that the handwriting pad will be able to recognize. Options are standard or mathbasic.

  • Has Mathematical Formulas (toggle switch)- Enable to make non-typical letters and symbols in language (e.g. ó, ç, ñ or Math and Science e.g. μ, ∞ ,≤) available for the students in Cloze Text questions.

  • Height- The height of the graph.

  • Height (%)- Image height in percentage of the background image height.

  • Height in Pixels- The pixel height of the image is needed to calculate the aspect ratio of the image.

  • Hide Ticks (toggle switch)- Enable to show ticks in the axis of a graph.

  • Highlight Image (question type)- This question type allows students to draw on an image to highlight points of interest.

  • Histogram (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create an interactive histogram.

  • Hotspot (question type)- This question type allows students to select hotspots on an image

  • Hover State (toggle switch)- Enable to turn on and off hover effects when the user hovers the mouse over a cell.


  • Ignore Order (toggle switch)- Enable when points order can be ignored.

  • Ignore Repeated Shapes (toggle switch)- When enabled, scoring will ignore shapes which are plotted multiple times within the same composition (authored value is treated separately to student’s response). When the value is set to ‘strict’, the shapes are only considered equal if the points are equivalent, not just the position and slope.

  • Image Alternative Text- Text that appears if an image cannot be displayed to users.

  • Image Annotation Upload (question type)- This question type allows students to upload and annotate an image.

  • Image Parameters- Defines the attributes/metadata for the image.

  • Image Scale (toggle switch)- Enable to allow image to be scaled along with font size.

  • Image Source- Location to upload image via computer file or URL.

  • Image Title- Title shown when mouse pointer hovers over an image.

  • Image URI- URL of the background image.

  • Individual- Individual attributes per hotspot that have priority over the global hotspot attributes.

  • Input Type- Option to have text or numeric input.

  • Instructor Stimulus- HTML/Text displayed if showInstructorStimulus is enabled on the activity. It will be displayed above the response stimulus, which sits above the response area. ✖️

  • Interactive: Chart (toggle switch)- When enabled students will be able to manipulate and interact with the chart.

  • Inverse Result (toggle switch)- When enabled, the result will be scored as incorrect.

  • isUnit- Checks if an expression has the expected units in it.



  • Keyboard Type: Block- Always visible, non-draggable keyboard.

  • Keyboard Type: Block On Focus- Non-draggable keyboard, appears when the user clicks into the response box.

  • Keyboard Type: Floating- Draggable keyboard, appears when the user clicks into the response box.

  • Keyboard Type: Native/No Symbols- No keyboard is displayed.


  • Label- Point name on X axis.

  • Label Bottom- Number to be displayed for the option.

  • Label Bottom: Graph- Label for the bottom of the graph.

  • Label Image: Drop Down (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks on a background image with drop down list choices.

  • Label Image: Text (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks on a background image with text boxes.

  • Label Image: Drag & Drop (question type)- This question type allows students to fill in the blanks on a background image with drag and drop choices.

  • Label Tool Tip- Label to be displayed in the tooltip at the beginning of the description for this option.

  • Label Top: Graph- Label for the top of the graph.

  • Label: Chart- Point name on X axis.

  • Label Left: Graph- Label for the left of the graph.

  • Label Right: Graph- Label for the right of the graph.

  • Latex/Template Markup- Enter Math expressions using the Math Editor or LaTeX. Use #{{response}} for empty response boxes.

  • Layout- Choose from Block or Button.

  • Left Arrow (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw an arrow on the left hand side of the line.

  • Line- A number line.

  • Line Chart (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create an interactive line chart.

  • Line Color Options- Color of the painted line, expressed as a HTML color code. Examples of acceptable formats: ‘#FFFFFF’, ‘white’, ‘rgb (255, 255, 255)’, ‘rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)’.

  • Line Plot (question type)- This question type allows teachers to create an interactive line plot.

  • Line Position- The percentage of the height should the Number Line appear.

  • Line Width (pixels)- Width of the line, in pixels, that users will have when responding to Highlight Image question types.

  • List- Unordered choice options list for the question.

  • List of different ratings- Objects that represent the possible options for this question.

  • Lock Author Cells (toggle switch)- When enabled, prevents student from modifying shaded areas of the assessment.


  • Margin- The margin around the graph to make room for labels.

  • Match List (question type)- Requires students to pair associated items, using one stationary list and one interactive list.

  • Math Renderer- Choose the rendering engine for math content within a question. Default rendering engine is MathJax with MathQuill for input areas. If you change this option to “mathquill”, MathQuill will render all math content within a question.

  • Math: Add Text (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter a response into a text box.

  • Math: Fill in the Blanks (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter complex math formula as a response.

  • Math: Formula with Units (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter a response into a text box followed by metric units.

  • Math: Essay (question type)- This question type allows students to input text and math formula within the same response, usually when a response needs further explanation. This question is teacher scored.

  • Math: Formula (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter complex math formula as a response, with advanced validation capabilities using math specific scoring methods.

  • Math: Fraction (question type)- This question type allows students to easily enter complex enter complex fraction responses.

  • Math: Matrices (question type)- This question type allows the teacher to create matrices and allows students to use matrices in their responses.

  • Mathematical Formulas (toggle switch)- Enable to show formatted mathematical formulas.

  • Max- Maximum value for the number line.

  • Max Height- The maximum height of the text input including units.

  • Max Score- The highest score a student can receive for the question response.

  • Max Selection- Determine how many elements can user select. If set to 0, user can select unlimited elements.

  • Max Width- Max width of response area. Define in em, px; or set to ‘none’ to stretch to full width of container.

  • Max Y Axis Value- Max value of the Y axis.

  • Maximum Length Characters- Maximum number of characters that can be entered in response boxes. Maximum value is 250 characters.

  • Maximum Length Seconds- Number of seconds of audio allowed to be recorded. Maximum value is: 3600 (1 hour), default is 600 (10 minutes).

  • Maximum Length Words- Maximum number of words that can be entered in the field. Maximum: 100,000 chars ~ 10,000 words .

  • Maximum Lines- Limits the number of lines of text / math that can be entered.

  • Maximum Y Value- Maximum value of the Y axis.

  • Method- Score the response based on exact locations.

  • Min- Minimum value for the number line.

  • Min Height- The minimum height of the text input including units.

  • Minor Ticks- Number of minor ticks between major ticks.

  • Multicolor Bars (toggle switch)- Enables the ability to specify if the bars have different colors. Currently only supported by histogram. Order Point has to be disabled.

  • Multiple Choice: Block UI (question type)- Multiple choice question in a table format with Stem Numeration.

  • Multiple Choice: Multiple Responses (question type)- This question type is a multiple choice question with more than one correct response.

  • Multiple Choice: Standard (question type)- This question type is a basic multiple choice question with one correct response.

  • Multiple Line (toggle switch)- Enabling will allow text input area to support multiple lines of input.

  • Multiple Responses (toggle switch)- Enable for questions that have more than one correct response option per stem.


  • Name- Chart title.

  • New Point Name- Enables the ability to specify new points default name.

  • Number Line Margin- The distance from the number line’s extremes to the sides with trailing px unit eg. “5px”.

  • Number Line: Drag & Drop (question type)- This question type allows students to place points on a number line.

  • Number Line: Plot (question type)- This question type allows students to plot responses on a number line.

  • Number of Feedback Attempts Allowed- Determines how many times the user can click on the ‘Check Answer’ button, with 0 being unlimited.

  • Number of Responses Allowed- Number of elements/responses user can add to the number line.


  • Opacity %- Percentage value defining how opaque the image is.

  • Option Row Title- Title to the response options column.

  • Option Width- Sets the width of each option column for Matrix.

  • Order List (question type)- Allows students to organize a list of responses into a specified order. This question can be used to reorder words, paragraphs of text, or sentences within a paragraph.

  • Order Point (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to re-order the data points.

  • Orientation- Sorts the order of the responses vertically or horizontally.

  • Overwrite Warning (toggle switch)- If enabled, an overwrite warning will appear when user attempts to re-record.


  • Pause (toggle switch)- Pause button allows the user to pause the recording when playing it back. This option is enabled in default setting.

  • Pause Recording (toggle switch)- Allows the user to pause when recording audio. Enabled in default setting.

  • Penalty points- Positive value indicating the marks deducted for an incorrect response.

  • Placeholder- Text to display as a hint to the user of what to enter.

  • Play (toggle switch)- Allows the user to playback the recording. This is enabled in default setting.Play Bubble (toggle switch)- A play bubble will be displayed to the user. Play button must be enabled. This option is available in Button UI only.

  • Points Box Position- Percentage of the height should the Points box container start.

  • Points Distance X- The distance in X axis between two points with trailing px unit eg. “10px”.

  • Points Distance Y- The distance in Y axis between two points with trailing px unit eg. “10px”.

  • Points- Specific point at which labels need to be drawn. Separate values by commas, eg: -2.5, 2.5.

  • Position Floating Keyboard Below Question Response Area (toggle switch)- If enabled, the floating formula keyboard will appear below the question as a whole (instead of below each individual math editor in the question).

  • Possibility List Position- Drop down menu you can choose where to position the possible responses container. Options include Top, Bottom, Left and Right.

  • Possible Responses- Text entered will appear as a list of possible responses that the student can select an answer from.

  • Progress Bar (toggle switch)- The progress bar is a visual indicator to show the student how much time they have to record. When enabled it will show how long is left.

  • Provide instant feedback (toggle switch)- Enable to determine whether to display a ‘Check Answer’ button to provide instant feedback to the user.



  • Rating (question type)- This question type allows users to choose a response from a preselected range. Useful for rubrics.

  • Rating Description- Ranking/criteria, this will be shown within the tooltip along side.

  • Record Bubble (toggle switch)- A bubble will appear to show the user recording details. Enabled in default setting. This option is available in Button UI only.

  • Recording Cue (toggle switch)- Beep will play when recording starts.

  • Rendering Base- Value on the line, where rendering of ticks should start. This option will determine if labels will render from zero or Line Minimum Value.

  • Repeated Shapes- In the graph plotting question, it is easy for authors or students to plot duplicate shapes on top of each other without realizing. It is impossible to tell if there are duplicate shapes from a pure visual inspection. Duplicate shapes can cause validation to fail if the Ignore repeated Shapes option is not switched on.

  • Resize Point (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to resize points on the chart.

  • Response Container (global)- Change the width and height of all response boxes at once.

  • Response Container (individual)- Change the width and height of individual response boxes.

  • Response Font Scale- Scales the font relative to the question’s font size. The default value is 150%.

  • Response Minimum Width- Controls the minimum width of the response input area.

  • Response Position (toggle switch)- Move the response box(es) by interacting with them on the Preview Panel.

  • Responsive Layout (toggle switch)- If enabled, the component’s size will be scaled responsively based on its container’s size.

  • Right Arrow (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw an arrow on the right hand side of the line

  • Row Count- Number of rows in table.

  • Row Header- Row header for the classification table, if there is no row title this attribute will be ignored.

  • Row Min Height- Minimum height for table rows. E.g. 60px.

  • Row Titles- Row titles for table. If there are more titles then columns the excess titles will be ignored.

  • Row Titles Width- Row title column width. E.g. 60px.

  • Rubric Reference- A unique identifier for the rubric to be used with the question – defaults to course rubric if assigned in activity.


  • Sample Answer- A sample answer to be displayed on the Learnosity Reports API. HTML is supported.

  • Score- Score for this correct response.

  • Scoring type: Exact Match- Student must answer all parts of the question correct to receive a mark.

  • Scoring type: Partial Match- Each correct response element will be scored individually and the overall question score will be divided between responses.

  • Scoring type: Partial Match Per Response- Each correct response element will be awarded an individual score.

  • Seek (toggle switch)- The user can change the play position on playback by clicking on the Progress Bar. The Play button and Progress Bar must be enabled. The option is enabled in default setting.

  • Set Maximum Responses Per Column- This will limit the number of possible responses a cell can have. When the field is empty or set to 0 unlimited responses can be dragged into a cell.

  • Shading (question type)- Allows users to select areas on a grid to shade in.

  • Shading Image- Upload an image that will appear when the user clicks on a cell.

  • Shape Type- Select the shape of the possible response; rectangle or circle.

  • Show (toggle switch)- Enable to draw ticks on the line or not.

  • Show Axes Gridlines- Specify whether axes gridlines should be displayed for the chart. Currently only supported by histogram.

  • Show Background Shape (toggle switch)- Enable to show points for background shapes.

  • Show Copy Button (toggle switch)- When enabled, the Copy Button is shown in the toolbar.

  • Show Cut Button (toggle switch)- When enabled, the Cut Button is shown in the toolbar.

  • Show Drag Handles (toggle switch)- Enable to show the drag handle on the left of responses.

  • Show First Arrow (toggle switch)- Enable for an arrow, visible in the lower end of the axis.

  • Show Hints (toggle switch)- Disables hint, including keyboard shortcuts and group titles, shown on the keyboard’s top left corner when hovering over a symbol group key.

  • Show Horizontal Line Under Stems (toggle switch)- Enable to show horizontal lines underneath each stem.

  • Show Hover Position (toggle switch)- Enable to display the position of a point,when hovering over or dragging it.

  • Show Last Arrow Toggle (toggle switch)- Enable for an arrow, visible in the higher end of the axis.

  • Show Max (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw a label on the max value of the number line.

  • Show Max Arrow (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw an arrow on the right hand side of the line.

  • Show Min (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw a label on the min value of the number line.

  • Show Min Arrow (toggle switch)- Enable to allow students to draw an arrow on the left hand side of the line.

  • Show Paste Button (toggle switch)- When enabled, the Paste Button is shown in the toolbar.

  • Shuffle Options (toggle switch)- Enable to shuffle the Multiple Choice options.

  • Silence Stop Duration- Duration of audio silence (in seconds) that is allowed before recording is stopped. This value is set to 0 by default, which means the silence detection is turned off.

  • Snap to- Defines the snap applied on points possible values are: “grid”, “ticks” or a numeric value.

  • Sort List (question type)- This question type allows students to arrange items into their correct order by dragging the items from the Source area to the Target area.

  • Spaces Between Stacked Responses- Spacing between stacked responses .

  • Stack Responses (toggle switch)- Enable to allow student responses to be stacked, or plotted on the line.

  • Start Recording (toggle switch)- Record button will be enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Stem- Prompt or question.

  • Stem Column Title- Title to a stem column.

  • Stem Numeration- Character to be displayed to the right of the option label (Number, Uppercase Alpha and Lowercase Alpha).

  • Stem Width- Defines the width of the stem column.

  • Stimulus- Area to hold the assessment question. ✖️

  • Stimulus Image- The background image that has been uploaded, to be annotated. ✖️

  • Stimulus in Review- HTML/Text content displayed only in review state rendered above the response area. Will override stimulus in review state. ✖️

  • Stimulus List- The text entered will appear as a static list, which the student will match responses to. ✖️

  • Stop Recording (toggle switch)- Stop button will be enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • stringMatch- Compares the value set by the teacher in validation against the student’s response, and evaluates whether they are the same or not.

  • Stroke- An RGBA string defining the stroke for all hotspots.

  • Submit Over Limit (toggle switch)- Determines if the user is able to save/submit when the word limit has been exceeded.

  • Symbol- The symbol keyboard will be available to the user. Enter pre-defined symbol groups or create a custom symbol keyboard.


  • Template Mark Up- Entered text; add response options will need to be placed within the brackets to determine location for possible responses.

  • Text Blocks- List of custom text blocks. Maximum length 9 characters.

  • Text Formatting Option- Text formatting options to make available.

  • Threshold- Distance a point can be from the correct response and still be marked as correct.

  • Ticks Distance- The distance between the ticks displayed in the axis.

  • Timer (toggle switch)- Time will be displayed to show the user how long the recording is. Enabled in default setting.

  • Tint- Color to be displayed for this value on selection, in review state and within the tooltip.

  • Title Position- Percentage of the height should the Title Line appear.

  • Title: Graph- The graph title.

  • Title: Number Line- Line’s title to display underneath it.

  • Toggle Switch- Button to enable or disable functions.

  • Token Highlight (question type)- Students are able to click on words, sentences, and/or paragraphs to be highlighted.

  • Toolbar- Tools and other options that are available for student users to use in completing the number line.

  • Tools- Defining the buttons or dropdown groups of tools that are available in the toolbar for the question.

  • Transparent Background (toggle switch)- Enable if the area housing nested response areas should be transparent.

  • Type- The different keyboard styles available.


  • UI Style- Any object used to control different aspects of what is visible to students.

  • Use Legacy equivLiteral Rules (toggle switch)- Allows equivLiteral (2)(x) evaluate to true.


  • Valid Response- Area containing the correct response score and value.

  • Validation- Guidelines on for how this question should be marked.

  • Validation Stem Numeration- Options for ordering Multiple Choice Matrix Stems. Options include: Number, Uppercase Alpha and Lowercase Alpha.

  • Value- Enter the correct response.

  • Value: Chart- Starting value of the point.

  • Video Player- Authors can embed videos hosted on the Internet, or upload videos from a computer. Video clips can be uploaded in MP4 (H.264/MPEG-4), and must be less than 5MB.

  • Volume Control (toggle switch)- Volume control will be displayed to the user on playback if the play button is enabled. This is enabled by default.

  • Volume Meter (toggle switch)- Volume meter will be displayed to the user on playback if the play button is enabled. This is enabled by default.


  • Waveform (toggle switch)- If enabled, a wave will be displayed to the user when playing back the recording if the play button is enabled. Enabled in default setting.

  • Width- The width of the graph.

  • Width (%)- Image width in percentage of the background image width.

  • Width in Pixels- The pixel width of the image is needed to calculate the aspect ratio of the image.

  • Word-limit setting: “always”- word limit is always shown and updated as the user types.

  • Word-limit setting: “off”- No word limit is shown.

  • Word-limit setting: “on-limit”- Word limit is always shown and updated when the word limit is exceeded.

  • Wordwrap- Enable to determine if the possible response text should wrap or show an ellipsis when placed in a response container.


  • X- X coordinate of the background image’s centre.

  • X Axis Label- Add a label to the X axis.

  • X Distance- Distance between grid lines perpendicular to the X axis.

  • X Min/Max- X axis lower/higher value.


  • Y- Y coordinate of the background image’s centre.

  • Y Axis Label- Add a label to the Y axis.

  • Y Distance- Distance between grid lines perpendicular to the Y axis.

  • Y Min/Max- Y axis higher/lower value.


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