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Exports from the Main Admin Account
Exports from the Main Admin Account

Export data related to student usage, teacher usage, gradebook data, eligibility, and more.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over a week ago

Using the Exports module located in the Analytics Module of the Main Admin account, users can download data related to:

❗This feature is only available from the Main Admin account.

Points Gradebook

This report generates the overall class average for each student in the district based on a specific date range and includes the following data:

  • District ID

  • Student Email

  • Student First and Last Name

  • Student User ID, SIS ID, and State ID

  • Class ID

  • Class Name

  • Site (school)

  • Teacher Email

  • Class Average

  • Grade Level

Sort Order: This export is sorted alpha-numerically by Column K (teacher email).

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Points Gradebook from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select a Date range; 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom.

  • Step 3: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed every 24 hours between 1am and 9am CST.

Active Classes

This report will include all classes that are active in the current academic session. If a site (school) is not in session, its classes will not appear in this report.

This report includes the following data:

  • Class ID

  • Class Name

  • Site (school) Name

  • Subject

  • Grade Level

  • Teacher First and Last Name

  • Teacher Email

  • Co-Teacher(s) Name and Email

  • Alias ID*

  • Clever ID*

  • District ID

  • Date Created

*based on the district's rostering method, not all classes will have an Alias ID or Clever ID.

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Active Classes from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed daily at 8:20am CST (Monday-Friday).

Active Classes + Rostering

This report will include all classes that are active in the current academic session. If a site (school) is not in session, its classes will not appear in this report.

This report includes the following data:

  • Class ID

  • Class Name

  • Site (School) name

  • Subject

  • Grade Level

  • Teacher First and Last Name

  • Teacher Email

  • Co-Teacher(s) Name and Email

  • Alias ID*

  • Clever ID*

  • District ID

  • Date Created

  • Student First and Last Name

  • Student Email

  • Student Grade Level

  • Student SIS ID**

  • Student State ID**

  • Student Number**

  • Student Class Join Date

*based on the district's rostering method, not all classes will have an Alias ID or Clever ID.

**based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, and/or Student Number.

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Active Classes + Rostering from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed daily at 11:00pm CST (Monday-Friday).

Assessments Graded per Student

This report generates the number of assessments have been graded for each student and includes the following data:

  • Otus ID

  • Email

  • First and Last name

  • SIS ID*

  • State ID*

  • Student Number*

  • Site (school) name

  • Number of each type of assessment graded:

    • Plus (+)

    • Bubble

    • Simple

    • Advanced

    • Rubric

  • Total number of assessments graded

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, and/or Student Number

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Assessments Graded per Student from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select a Date range; 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom.

  • Step 3: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed hourly from 6:10am to 9:10pm CST.

Logins by User

This report generates a list of how many times each user in the district has logged into Otus and includes the following data:

  • Otus ID

  • Email

  • First and Last name

  • User Type (student, teacher, admin, family)

  • SIS ID*

  • State ID*

  • Student Number*

  • Login count (total number of times the user has logged in within the chosen time frame)

  • Last Login (last time the user logged in within the chosen time frame)

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, and/or Student Number

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Assessments Graded per Student from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select a Date range; 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom.

  • Step 3: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed every 30 minutes from 6:00am to 9:30pm CST. The data for this report is limited to the last 90 days; if you need a larger report, please reach out to the Otus Support Team in the chat feature.

Assessments Graded per Educator

This report generates the number of assessments graded per educator by assessment type and includes the following data:

  • Otus ID

  • Email

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • User Type

  • Otus Site (school) ID

  • Site (school) Alias ID

  • Site (school) Name

  • Counts for plus, bubble, simple, advanced, and rubric assessments

  • All graded (total number of assessments graded)

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an Alias ID

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Assessments Graded per Educator from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select a Date range; 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom.

  • Step 3: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed every 4 hours from 5:13am to 9:13pm CST.

Assessments Graded with Points per Student

This report generates a list of point-based assessments graded per student and includes the following data:

  • Student User ID

  • Student Email

  • Student First Name

  • Student Last Name

  • Student SIS ID*

  • Student State ID*

  • Student Number*

  • Assessment Name

  • Points (points earned)

  • Total points (points possible)

  • Assessment type

  • Class ID

  • Class Name

  • Site (school) name

  • Teacher email

  • Assessment date

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, and/or Student Number

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Assessments Graded with Points per Student from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select a Date range; 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, or custom.

  • Step 3: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed every 4 hours from 6:17am to 10:17pm CST.

Student Group Membership

This report generates a list of all actively rostered students in classes that have been added to student groups. The export includes their pertinent information, the name of the groups they have been added to, and the date they were added to the group.

  • Otus ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • SIS ID*

  • State ID*

  • Student Number*

  • Clever ID*

  • Student Group

  • Date Added to Group

💡 Tip: This export only contains student groups created at the district-level. The export does not contain class-level student groups.

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, Student Number, and/or Clever ID.

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Student Group Membership from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed daily at 9:45 am CST.

Student Information

This report generates all actively rostered students In classes in the district alongside their pertinent information and includes the following data:

  • Otus ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • SIS ID*

  • State ID*

  • Student Number*

  • Clever ID*

  • Site (school)

  • Student groups

  • Grade Level

  • School Year

  • Student Code

  • District ID

*based on the district's rostering method, not all students will have an SIS ID, State ID, Student Number, and/or Clever ID.

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Student Information from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed daily at 10:45 am CST.

Plans Overall Performance

This report generates a CSV comprised of all students alongside the Plans they have been added to in the district.

This report contains the following data:

  • State ID

  • SIS ID

  • Student First Name

  • Student Last Name

  • Student Email

  • Site Name

  • Grade Level

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Groups

  • Plan Name

  • Plan Status

  • Completed/Removed

  • Started Date

  • Overall Status Last Updated/Exited Date

  • Item Last Updated

  • Item Last Updated By

To Download:

  • Step 1: After navigating to the Exports page of the Analytics module, select Plans Overall Performance from the dropdown menu.

  • Step 2: Select Export CSV.

🔁 The data for this report is refreshed daily at 5:45 pm CST.

Otus Live Video

Click to view a video from our Otus Live series on using exports in the main admin account.

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