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Analyze Standards-Based Assessments in Assessment Analytics
Analyze Standards-Based Assessments in Assessment Analytics

You can use Assessment Analytics to analyze Advanced Assessments that use a standards grading scale.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 3 months ago

Using Assessment Analytics allows you to take a deeper dive into the performance of assessments that are given in Otus.

This article is written specifically for Assessments that use a standards-based grading scale. If you are looking for details on how to analyze an assessment that uses a points grading scale, click the button below:

💡 Tip: By default, you will be viewing data for all students within your permissions, but you can use the filters to narrow down the group you are viewing data for. Once you've set up your filters, select Apply Filters.

Getting Started

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Analytics module. Note - the screenshot above is from within an administrator account. If you are a teacher, the Analytics module is located toward the bottom.

  • Step 2: Select Assessments.

  • Step 3: Check the date range.

💡 Tips:

  • The default date range is set for the previous 7 days. If the assessment you are looking for does not fall within that date range, it will not appear in the dropdown menu. For best results, we recommend changing the date range to All Time.

  • Does the assessment have a due date in the future? In order to see the results of an assessment that has a due date in the future, change the date range to include the due date.

Once you have identified the necessary date range, you can click into the Search Assessment field to see a dropdown list of the assessments that appear within that date range. You can also search using keywords.

Assessment Status Widget

The assessment status bar will show you the overall completion status of the assessment.

On this status bar, you will find:

  • The number of students in each submission status: Not Started, In Progress, Turned In (not pictured), and Graded.

  • Average time to complete.

  • Click on the status bar to see a detailed breakdown of student completion.

  • Click on a bar chart section to filter assessment data for a particular status.

  • Download the assessment status data as a CSV

Question Analysis

Note: This section is only available on Advanced and Simple assessments. If you are viewing a Rubric assessment, this section will be a Rubric Analysis (click here for more information).

The Question Analysis table will show the performance of each individual question on the assessment. You can see this analysis in two forms:

  • Table displaying all questions

  • Individual question

Summary Table

The default sort order lists the questions in order. You can change the sort order by clicking on the heading of any column.

  • Student Breakdown: This shows the breakdown of how many students performed at each performance level for that question. Hovering over any section will display the performance level and the number of students. On this question, 1 student earned Near Mastery.

  • Number Correct: Number of students that earned full credit on this question.

  • Number Incorrect: Number of students that did not earn full credit on this question.

  • If you see N/A under the letters A/B/C/D, that means it was not a multiple choice question, and does not have data to display in that section of the table.

Individual Question Analysis

Clicking on any row in the table will show a more detailed view.

  • In the Answer column, you will see the student's selection (if it was a multiple choice question), or the student's response (if it was a short answer question).

Please note - some question types on Advanced Assessments will not have answers displayed in the Answer column of the table table due to formatting (example - graphs, tables, etc...).

  • To view the number of students that selected each answer, select Answer Selections from the View Performance dropdown:

Add Students to Groups

You can add students to groups directly from the Question Analysis view.

  • First, select the checkbox next to the student names, then select Add to Groups.

  • Next, select the Search icon to choose from a list of available student groups. Select the group, then choose Save.

Download Results

Select the download icon to download the results into a CSV (spreadsheet).

The spreadsheet will have:

  • Student first name, last name, and email address

  • Score

  • Whether the answer was correct or Incorrect

  • The answer they selected

  • SIS ID

  • State ID (If applicable)

  • Student Number (if applicable)

  • Grade Level

  • Site

  • Ethnicity/Race

  • Gender

Items with Multiple Questions (Advanced Assessments Only)

❗ Do you see questions that have a decimal in the question number? For example:

This means that these items had more than one question in them. In the example above, Item 13 had two questions; each question is given its own row in the table, so the first question is 13.1, and the second is 13.2. You can see the same situation with Item 14. When you click on the particular question, it will show the item in its entirety to maintain the integrity of the assessment, but the score you see will be for that individual assessment.

Student Performance

The Student Performance will show the performance of each individual student that was assigned the assessment. You can see this analysis in two forms:

  • Table displaying all students

  • Individual student

Summary Table

The default sort order is alphabetical by last name. You can change the sort order by clicking on the heading of any column.

  • Item Breakdown: This is a visual representation of how many questions the student performed at each level. Hovering over any section will display the name of the performance level and the number of questions. This student earned Approaching Mastery on 2 questions.

  • You can download these results by selecting the download icon in the upper-right corner. The CSV download will also give you the student's score on each question.

Individual Student

Clicking on any student in the table will show a more detailed view of that student.

Standards Performance

This section identifies all of the standards assessed on the selected assessment, in addition to the mean (average) performance on each standard across all students that have been graded.

  • Hover over the standard title to see the full description of the standard:

  • The performance on the standards is calculated by mean.

  • Select any section of of the horizontal bar chart to see a more specific breakdown of the performance:

  • To see only the students that performed at a certain level, select that level. The example below shows only students that performed at Near Mastery for this standard.

💡 Tip: To return to the previous page from any screen in Analytics, use the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

You can download any of the tables you see by select the download button here:

Add Students to Groups

You can add students to groups from the Student Performance and the Standards Performance section.

  • Select the checkbox next to any student(s) name

  • Select Add to Groups

  • Search for and choose a group

  • You can also create a new group

  • Select Save

Rubric Analysis

Note: This section is only available on Rubric assessments. If you are viewing an Advanced or Simple assessment, this section will be a Question Analysis (see above).

For Rubric assessments, you will see a breakdown of the number of students that earned each performance level.

  • Select any section of of the horizontal bar chart to see a more specific breakdown of the performance:

  • To see only the students that performed at a certain level, select that level. The example below shows only students that performed at Mastery for this rubric descriptor.

Optional Filters

If you are looking for other ways to filter the data, you can select the filter icon in the top-right corner. After making your selections, select Apply Filters.

This also allows you to see data for archived class - just toggle the "Display archived data in filter" ON.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details

When I use the filters, the report isn't updating. Why is that?

You will want to select the filters first, then select Run Report.

Can I pull up data for prior school years?

Yes; administrator accounts have this ability. This can also be done using Historical Analytics.

How long does it take for an assessment to appear in Assessment Analytics?

Assessment results will be calculated in analytics within about 10-15 minutes after grading, but depending on traffic it can sometimes be up to an hour.

What if an assessment has a due date for a date in the future?

You will want to change the date picker to include the due date. If the assessment has a due date for the future, it will not appear in Assessment Analytics unless the date range includes the due date.

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