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Build and Analyze Query Reports
Build and Analyze Query Reports

An explanation and instructions for how to use the Query feature in the Reports tab of the Analytics module.

Brooke Fodor avatar
Written by Brooke Fodor
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Query reports are available in Otus Admin accounts.

What is Query?

Query is a report that allows you to identify and compare populations of students matching specific criteria across multiple data sources. It is designed for cases in which you have a set of criteria, and you need to know what students meet that criteria.

What are examples of ways you can use Query?

  • Identifying students for ELL services.

  • Middle school and high school placement.

  • Qualifications for programs or extracurricular activities.

Example Report:

🔁 Data for Query is synced at 8:00pm Monday - Thursday.

Build a Query Report

Queries are generated from the Reports tab of the Analytics module. When you generate a query, you will create criteria for the query and define the population (students) you'd like to view.

Once you've selected Query from the above tiles, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Title your Query

Step 2: Determine the Query Population

  • The options you choose here will determine the pool of students to pull the data from; it is essentially building a cohort. Filters include:

    • Sites (schools)

    • Teachers

    • Classes

    • Grade Level

    • Ethnicity/Race

    • Gender

    • Students (individual students or student groups).

    • School Year

The default School Year Is set to "Current Enrollment." You can select a different school year from the drop down menu if needed. Select the dates for the current academic session if you wish to include students who were enrolled at any point during the year, as opposed to those currently enrolled.

💡 Tip: Do you need to exclude a certain group of students from the query? You can do that by selecting "Exclude" for that category.

Step 3: Set the Criteria

  • This can be a single criterion or multiple criteria.

  • Each time you make a selection from a dropdown, additional drop downs may appear depending on what you've selected, as some assessments have many possible criteria to choose from.

  • If you choose to add more than one criterion, you'll want to choose between And and Or.

    • And - students have to meet both (all) criteria set.

    • Or - students have to meet at least one of the criteria.

  • As you adjust your criteria, it will calculate the number of students that have populated in the query in the upper-right corner

Step 4: Assign Matrix Values (optional)

  • By toggling on the matrix value, a point value, chosen by you, will be awarded to the students who meet these specific criteria.

When you have completed the steps above, select Run Report.

Analyze a Query

Once you generate a Query, you are presented with data in many forms, from pie charts, to bar graphs, to tables.

The top of the query gives you a high-level summary:

The rest of the query provides detailed information in several forms:

Summary Pie Charts

At the top of the query will be four summary pie charts for sites (schools), grade level, ethnicity/race, and gender.

  • As you hover over any section of any pie chart, you will see a summary of that section indicating the number of students and what percentage that section represents.

Summary Bar Graphs

The next section contains summary bar graphs for student groups, teacher groups, and classes.

  • As you hover over any section of any bar graph, you will see the number of students in that section.

How is it determined which groups and classes show? The selections are based on population. The query will display the 10 student groups, teacher groups, and classes with the highest populations based on the results of this query. If you wish to view results for groups or classes that are not in the top 10, use the Filter options on the left.

Individual Student Data Table

  • Student Groups (1): You can create or add students to student groups using the Flag icon. Select the students you wish to add to a group, then select the Flag icon.

  • Sorting (2): You can sort any column by selecting its header.

  • Download (3): Download this table into an excel spreadsheet

  • Change View (4): You can change your view to see 10, 25, or 50 student at a time.

  • Pages (5): Click from page to page to continue the list of students.

You will see that the matrix values are given to the students that qualify for that particular criteria. The very last column will total all of the values the student was given.

Using the Filters

Selecting any filters from the left will further narrow down the results of the query. You will notice the pie charts, bar graphs, and table change as you select and deselect filters.

❗ How is it determined which options for filters you are given?

  • Filters that remain static from query to query are Grade Level, Ethnicity/Race, and Gender. Those three filters will have the same options each time you run a query.

  • The filters that will fluctuate based on the results of the query will be Student Groups, Teacher Groups, and Classes.

Otus Live Video

Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on how to build a Query report.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

How often is data synced to Query?

Monday-Thursday at 8:00 pm CST

Is there a limit to the number of classes that appear in the results of a query?

Only the top 10 classes will appear in the summary bar graphs, but additional classes can be selected using the Filter options in the left sidebar.

Is there a limit to the number of students that can fit the criteria in your query?

If a Query report is over 1000 students, only the first 1000 will be visible in the online report. However, all students will be present in the CSV file download. If you encounter any issues generating larger Query reports, please use the chat feature to contact our Client Support Team.

Do changes to class names reflect automatically?

No; they require the nightly sync to update in query.

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