There may be times when math or chemistry questions require answers that involve the use of symbols that cannot be generated by the traditional keyboard. In Advanced Assessments, there are several options for keypads that include various math and chemistry symbols.
What is a Keypad?
On Advanced Assessments, students can use keypads when answering math or chemistry questions. The creator of the assessment can choose which keypads are available and how they are displayed on the screen.
See the example below. This question has the Number Pad (default) and the Basic keypad enabled.
💡 Tip: All math and chemistry questions will have a keypad by default, but you do have the option to disable the keypad entirely. If you want your students to only use their keyboard, see details below on how to disable the keypad.
How to Locate the Keypad Options
While in a math or chemistry question, options for the keypad can be found by expanding the More options menu and locating the section labeled Keypad.
❗ Note: the additional settings under the More options menu may look different depending on the question type you are using.
You can find the various keypad options under the section labeled Symbols.
You can add additional keypads by selecting the + Add button. See below for how students switch between keypads.
The Number pad will always be available alongside the mathematical keypads you choose to add.
See the clip below that shows what it looks like from the student's view using the above settings. The Number pad (yellow) is always available, while the student can switch between the Basic and Algebra keypads (blue) using the dropdown menu.
Keypad Options
Below you will find images of all pre-designed keypads available, along with a list of their functions. If you are interested in creating a custom keypad, click here.
Keep in mind, the yellow Number pad is always included.
Note - the symbol in parenthesis following the title of the keypad represents how that keypad is labeled. Notice in the image below: the name of the keypad is shown in the field just to the right of the dropdown when the label is hovered over.
Basic Junior
Units (SI)
Units (US Customary)
Greek Letters
Grouping Symbols
Can't find the symbol you are looking for? Try creating a custom keypad and searching through the library of symbols. See below!
Custom Keypad
You can create a custom keypad by choosing from a library of symbols.
Step 1: From the list of keypad options, select Add Custom Group...
Step 2: Click on one of the empty cells. You can choose any of the options from the symbol library.
Step 3: Continue filling the cells until you've included all of the desired symbols.
Step 4: Give your keyboard a label and title (optional - see the image below for the placement of the label and title).
Step 5: Save your question and test it out!
Keypad Placement
There are three options for where the keypad is placed when the students answer the question. First, expand the More options menu and scroll down to the Keypad section.
Option 1: Floating
The keypad does not appear until the student clicks into the response area.
The students can move the keypad freely around the screen by clicking and dragging.
Option 2: Block
The keypad is automatically displayed with the question, without the student needing to click in the response area first.
The position of the keypad is fixed beneath the response area
Option 3: Block on Focus
The keypad does not appear until the student clicks into the response area.
The position of the keypad is fixed beneath the response area
Option 4: Native/No Symbols
Disables the keypad. See the next section.
Option 5: Enable Horizontal Keypad
This option is not available on all math question types
It will remove all other keypad options, and provide just a very basic, horizontal keypad.
Disabling the Keypad
There may be times when you don't want a keypad to display at all. Here are the steps to disabling the keypad:
Step 1: Expand the More options menu.
Step 2: Scroll down to the Keypad section.
Step 3: In the Type dropdown menu, select Native/No Symbols.
Otus Live Video
Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on Math Keypads in Advanced Assessments.
Click to see a video from our Otus Live series on Math Keypads in Advanced Assessments.