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Student Guide: View Your Gradebook
Student Guide: View Your Gradebook

For students: Learn how to log in to view your gradebook.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over 7 months ago

This step-by-step guide will show you how to log into Otus to see how you're doing in each of your classes.

1️⃣ Log into Otus

Use your school email and password to log in.

Check with your teacher to see if you should use one of the sign-on options instead.

2️⃣ Click on your Gradebook module.

➡️ Get an overview of how you're doing.

1) Class

  • You see your class name and teacher.

  • The points shows your overall score for each class.

    • You may not see points if your school doesn't use points for grades.

    • You may see just a percentage, or you may see more.

    • If you have questions, be sure to ask your teacher.

2) Grading Period

  • Everything you see at first is based on the current grading period based on the date. You may just see the year instead. That's ok!

  • Looking for last quarter's grades? Change the grading period.

3) Mastery Setting

  • This is the calculation that is used to determine your score on standards.

  • Choose a different mastery setting (if there are any listed) to see your grade calculated in a different way.

3️⃣ Click on a class to see a more detailed view of assessments and standards.

📝 View Your Assessments

💡Tip: Sort by any column by clicking on the header column. Click on the Submission column to sort by status and see any of your missing work.

➡️ Understand the Assessments View

This page tells you everything you need to know about the work (assessments, homework, quizzes, projects) you've been assigned.

1) Class Name

  • You'll see the class name and the teacher's name.

2) Total Grade

  • You could see a few different things.

    • Points: This is the total points you've earned from all points-based assessments in this class.

    • Percentage: This is your total percentage based on points earned vs. points possible.

    • Letter Grade: Some districts enable traditional letter grades as an overall grade option.

  • You might see a level or term instead. This is a grade conversion that your district might have turned on.

3) Assessment Title

  • You'll see every assessment you've taken or been graded on.

4) Score

  • The score is the grade for any points-based assessment.

🌟 If you don't see a score for Grade and Total, that's ok. That just means that the assessment didn't use points and was only linked to standards. Instead you will see a bar graph with a single color or different colors. You can hover over each section of the bar graph to see the total number of descriptors (for rubric assessments) or questions that earned that particular grading scale value.

In this example, you see that there are three different colors or three different grading scale values that were earned in this particular assessment. These grading scale values match the values that have been chosen by your school to evaluate student standard growth.

We hovered over the yellow section to see that 1 descriptor/question earned the Approaching value. In this case, 1 descriptor/question was not at standard and 1 descriptor/question meets.

5) Due Date

  • The due date can be set by your teacher so you'll know when your work is expected by.

6) Submitted

  • This is the date you submitted your assessment.

🌟 If you see no submission, that means you didn't need to turn it in and your teacher graded you on the work.

7) Submission

  • This column shows whether you completed it on time, late (submitted after the due date), missing, excused, or excluded.

8) Completion

  • New: This was just assigned to you and hasn't been started yet.

  • Turned In: You submitted the assessment and your teacher needs to grade it.

  • Graded: Your teacher finished grading the assessment.

9) Comments

  • Teachers can leave comments for you on any assessment.

🌟 Long comment? Click directly on the comment to read the full comment from your teacher.

10) Downloads

  • Download as CSV: This option will download a CSV file of the gradebook you are viewing.

  • Missing Assessments: Use this option to download a CSV of all assessments with a "missing" status.

🎯 View Your Standards

Select the Standards tab to see how you're doing on each learning standard you are being taught.

➡️ Understand the Standards View

Some schools use different grading scales for different types of assessments. The standards are grouped under the grading scale your teacher chose.

Too much information? No worries. Click on Hide to collapse the details for each grading scale. Selecting Show will expand the details for you.

You see every standard you've been tested on during the grading period you chose.

1) Grading Scale

  • A grading scale shows you the terms that your district chose to show the different levels of performance.

  • These show you your progress on the standards being taught.

  • If you have questions about what each level means, check in with your teacher.

2) Standards

  • This is the title and description of the learning standard that each assignment or assessment question is attached to.

3) Last Attempt

  • An attempt is any time you're tested on a standard.

  • This is the last time you were tested on this standard.

4) Performance

  • Score: This is your overall score on the standard.

  • Number of Attempts: This shows how many times you've been tested on this standard. Click on a standard to see a list of all of your attempts.

Do things look a little different?

Some of these settings are set by your district.

Do you see a grade at the top right corner of the grading scale details?

This means that your district is also giving a total grade for each class in the standards view.

Do you see a score appearing in bold with an asterisk (*)?

This means that this grade has been manually adjusted by the teacher.

➡️ Change Your Filters

You can change different filters in your gradebook, too. You can view the gradebook by standard or assessment. You can even change how the grade is calculated.

➡️ Click on a Standard

  • You will see a graph that shows you all of the times you've been assessed on that standard.

  • You can change the mastery setting (which is how the overall score is calculated) by choosing an option from the dropdown menu.

➡️ Click on an attempt in the list to see the specific test question

Select an attempt from the list to see the exact question or assessment the attempt came from.

  • If you don't see anything when you click on the attempt, that means the teacher hasn't turned on the setting to allow you to review this yet.

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