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Settings and User Visibility for Blog Posts
Settings and User Visibility for Blog Posts

An explanation of the different blog settings and how to change/edit them.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over a week ago

The Blog Module allows for open teacher and student communication. Blog settings can be adjusted for a single student post or for an entire Class Feed.

Blog settings include:

  • Visibility

  • Allowing comments

Edit Settings on a Single Student's Post

  • Step 1: Select the Blog module.

  • Step 2: Select the correct class.

  • Step 3: Select Class Feed

  • Step 4: Click the ellipses to the right of the post you want to change the settings for.

You can toggle on/off the ability to share with the entire class and allow comments.

  • Share Post with Entire Class: toggling this option OFF will hide this post from the view of other students. You will still be able to see it as the teacher, but other students will no longer be able to see that individual post.

  • Allow Comments on Post: toggling this option OFF will disable the ability for students to be able to comment on that individual post.

Edit Settings for an Entire Class Feed

  • Step 1: Select the Blog module.

  • Step 2: Select the correct class.

  • Step 3: Select Class Feed

  • Step 4: Click the gear icon to the right of the class drop-down menu.

Share Student Posts with Entire Class: toggling this option OFF will hide ALL posts from student view. You will still be able to see the posts as the teacher, but other students will not be able to see any post made on their class feed.

Allow Comments on Student Posts: toggling this option OFF will disable the ability for students to be able to comment on any posts made on their class feed.


Teachers can see...

  • All posts published to their classes by all of their students

  • All comments to their class posts by all students

  • All posts by teachers in their class

  • Teachers have the ability to disable commenting on the blog as a whole.

Students can see...

  • All Posts by all students (this can be adjusted by the teacher)

  • Students have the ability to make a post (Private) which makes their post visible ONLY to the teacher and parents, not their fellow students

  • All posts by teacher

  • All comments to all posts (this can be adjusted by the teacher)

  • ONLY students can see posts that they haven't published to a class.  This acts as a draft, and neither parents, fellow students, nor teachers will have access to this.

Parents can see...

  • All posts by their child and their child's teacher

  • Only comments by the teacher on their child's post

  • any Assessment or Blog Post in Otus that the teacher or student wants to showcase to them in their child's portfolio (by selecting the "star" in the assessment or blog post)

Parents cannot...

  • see comments on teacher posts

  • comment on posts

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

Can I edit a student's blog post?

Only the student is able to edit their own blog post.

Can I hide a student's blog post from the rest of the class?

Students can make their blog post private, which will hide it from the rest of the class and make it only visible to you (the teacher). This can only be done by the student; the teacher is not able to make a blog post private.

Can I delete comments left by a student?

Students can delete their own comments; teachers are unable to delete student comments

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