Plan templates can be shared with other administrators inside or outside of the district. Sending a copy of a template can only be done from an administrator account and only by the author of the template.
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Sending a Copy of a Plan Template
Step 1: While on your list of plans, select the ellipsis next to the desired plan and choose Send Copy.
Step 2: Type in the email address of the administrator you would like to send a copy of the plan template to and then select Send.
You will receive one of two messages:
Things to Consider
If the recipient of the copy is not in the same district as the sender, all non-points grading scales and dropdown menu options will be removed. The recipient will need to add grading scales and/or dropdown selections to those items.
If the recipient of the copy is in the same district as the sender, the template will remain exactly as is with all of the same grading scales and dropdown columns.
If you did not create the plan template you wish to share, you will need to clone the plan first. Then you can send a copy of the clone.