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Standards Tags

Easily tag a group of standards for running Report Cards.

Monica Burke avatar
Written by Monica Burke
Updated over a week ago

What are Standards Tags?

This is the ability to group standards together, specifically for making the task of running report cards easier.

Example: you can group all of the 3rd grade standards you need on your first quarter report cards by creating a tag titled "Q1 - 3rd Grade". When you run report cards, you can then select this tag, rather than needing to select the standards individually.

Create a Standards Tag

Standards tags are created in the Control Center of the main admin account. Once in the Control Center, select Standards Settings.

  • Step 1: Locate a standard to be included in the new tag.

    • To begin, click a category, then you can either search for the standard or click through the menus until you've reached the standard.

  • Step 2: Name the tag.

    • Once you've narrowed it down to the standard, type the name of the tag you'd like to create.

    • Click on the new title as it appears just beneath the text entry field; this will create the tag for you to now add other standards to.

  • Step 3: Add additional standards.

    • Search for standards just like you did in Step 1 above.

    • Once you've reached the standard, begin to type the name of the tag, and it should appear just beneath the text entry field.

To view all standards included on a tag:

  • On the main Standards Settings page, click on the tag you wish to see the standards for.

We highly recommend communicating with teachers on the expectations for the group(s) of standards they should be accessing; custom, state, and CCSS standards can sometimes be identical. See this example below:

Consider this standard: "Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction". This standard can be found in two places (one is Common Core, one is a State Standard), and they have almost identical names. If the teacher uses the Common Core standard, but the State Standard is the one in the standards tag used for the report card, that data will not appear on the report card. In addition, this will result in two different columns in the teacher's standards gradebook view.

Add Standards to an Existing Tag

Navigate to any standard following Step 1 above. Once you've selected the standard, search for the tag you'd like to add it to.

Rename, Make a Copy, or Delete Tags

Click on the tag you wish to edit, then select the ellipses in the upper right corner. From this menu, you can rename, make a copy, or delete that tag.

Using Standards Tags

Standards tags are used when generating report cards.

  • When choosing the items to include, you can choose a standards tag.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details.

Can I choose multiple tags when I run report cards?

Yes - you can choose more than one tag when generating report cards.

Are teachers able to use standards tags?

Standards tags will only be available for co-admins or the main admin to choose when running report cards.

Do the names of the standards tags appear on the report cards?

No - the names of the individual standards will appear, but not the name of the tag.

Is there a limit to the number of standards that can be included in a tag?

No - there is no known limit to the number of standards you can include in a tag.

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