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All CollectionsPlansAnalyze Plans Data
View Historical Item Performance Data
View Historical Item Performance Data

Take a deeper look at the student's historical data for each item.

Ethan Kelly avatar
Written by Ethan Kelly
Updated over 5 months ago

Plans allows for a student's current progress in the plan to be easily viewed. Each update then provides a new data point to also evaluate the item performance over time.

Accessing the Historical Data

  • Step 1: From the plans module, choose the plan template.

  • Step 2: Select the student from the list.

  • Step 3: In the list of items, select the item name.

Viewing the Item Performance

The item’s historical data is presented as a line graph. The table beneath the chart shows each entry in a list, with the most recent at the top:

➡️ Chart - In Detail

  • X-axis - The date of the status update

  • Y-axis - The level on the grading scale

  1. Back arrow - Return to plan item list.

  2. Left/right arrows - Navigate directly to the previous/next item.

  3. Download button - Download a CSV of item data.

  4. Current Status - View the most recent status and the number of times a status has been entered.

  5. Chart Menu - Choose to print or download the chart.

  6. Points - Hover over any point to view the data from that entry. See the table below for additional information.

➡️ Table - In Detail

  1. Timestamp - Displays the date and time of the entry in that row, with the most recent at the top

  2. Author - The name of the person who entered that status update

  3. Status - The status at the time of entry

  4. Notes - Any notes left at the time of this status update

  5. Attachments - Any files attached to this status update

  6. Ellipsis - Menu options to edit or delete that status update (only available to Admins and authors of each entry)

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