Randomizing the order of questions/items on an assessment looks a bit different based on the type of assessment.
Simple Assessment
You can randomize the order of the questions on the assessment.
Advanced Assessment
You can randomize the order of the items on the assessment. This setting does not randomize the questions within the items. It simply randomizes the order of the items themselves.
If you want to learn more about the difference between questions and items on an Advanced Assessment, check out this article.
How to Randomize Questions/Items
Step 1: Select the assessment you'd like to assign from your drafts list.
Step 2: Click the ellipsis to the right of the desired assessment and choose Assign.
After determining the students, due dates, start dates, availability windows, and instructions, check the box for Randomize Questions (for Simple Assessments) or Randomize Items (for Advanced Assessments).
When teachers review Assessment Analytics, the order of the items will match the order in the assessment builder.
When grading the assessment, the questions/items will match the order in the assessment builder.
This setting does not randomize the answer choices.
Students are not made explicitly aware of the fact that questions are randomized. Unless the creator of the assessment manually numbered the questions, the student will have no indication of randomization of questions.
If you use Allow Multiple Attempts, the questions will remain in the same order for each attempt as they were during their first attempt.
If you unsubmit the assessment, the questions will remain in the same order they were during their first attempt at the assessment.
FAQ and Troubleshooting
Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details
Click to see FAQ and troubleshooting details
Can I randomize the answer choices?
This is not available at this time. If you'd like to vote for this feature request, click here.
If I use Allow Multiple Attempts, do the questions re-randomize each time?
No, the questions will remain in the same order as they were during the student's first attempt.
How does this impact Analytics?
The order of the items will match the order of the items on the draft assessment.
If I unsubmit the assessment for the students to re-take, do the questions re-randomize?
No, the questions will remain in the same order as they were during the student's first attempt.